Child birth is never easy, but new mom Angela Cottam had a particularly scary labor experience. Not only were her twin daughters born five weeks premature, but Cottam herself also faced danger to her health after a fingernail or hair from one of her babies passed into her blood stream during birth!
The condition is rare and reportedly only affects about one in 80,000 births, but can cause serious harm to the woman in labor. The mom, 32-year-old Cottam, suffered from severe internal bleeding and collapsed lungs. She also lost seven pints of blood, which put her into a 12-hour coma during which her family was told they might lose her.
But amazingly enough, Cottam and her babies made it through the terrifying ordeal. Cottam underwent 22 transfusions before she was able to be revived and her premature twins had to be resuscitated with oxygen upon birth. Now though, they are all healthy and can focus on being one happy family.
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Wow, that is so scary. I can't even imagine what Cottam's loved ones were feeling. Between the worry over the babies and Cottam's extremely difficult labor, they must have been so frightened–particularly because the condition is so rare! I personally have never even heard of it before and in shock that something like that can cause such extreme danger to a person.
Still, I'm just relieved that the doctors were able to work their magic and save both the mom and her two babies. And if anything, the fact that they've already gone through so much as a family, probably only makes their time together now that much sweeter.
Image via Thinkstock