Mom breastfeeds wrong baby after hospital mix-up (VIDEO)

"What do you mean?" is what mom Tammy Van Dyke told the hospital when they admitted they'd given her newborn baby Cody to the wrong woman and she'd breastfed him. Van Dyke had no clue what they were talking about because she simply couldn't understand how that was even possible. Although all babies wear bracelets that match their mothers to identify them, apparently the switch happened when Cody was put in the wrong bassinet in the nursery in a Minneapolis hospital. 

Although the baby had to get a blood test for hepatitis and HIV right after the switch, luckily the results were negative. Unfortunately, baby Cody will have to continue to get tested every three months throughout his first year of life just as a precaution.

Van Dyke just couldn't believe it, according to what she told ABC News:

You put your baby in the nursery, not even 48 hours old, and you think they're safe. I'm holding it together. I'm just in disbelief, and it was like I was in a dream, a bad dream, and I couldn't get it to stop.

Poor woman! She found out of the mix-up just hours before she was going to be discharged, so the homecoming with baby Cody was nothing like she'd expected because she says she couldn't stop crying. 

Read more in ¿Qué más?: Mom puts her sleepless nights to good use & goes viral

If there was one thing I worried about like a lunatic when both my children were born is that someone was going to steal them or that they were going to be switched at the hospital. After working in news for so long and hearing so many horror stories, I didn't want to fall victim to anything like that. So, my babies stayed in the hospital room with me at all times and whenever they had to be taken somewhere, either my husband or I would follow. 

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