Prince William and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, didn't have plans to share the news that they'll soon be parents until Christmas. But since Kate had to be hospitalized beause of severe nausea and dehydration, they didn't have any other option but revealing their secret. When I found out that the Duchess was hospitalized, I was honestly surprised because I had never before heard that pregnancy-related nausea and morning sickness could be so severe to warrant a hospital stay. After reading a bit more into it, I found out that what Kate is suffers from is called hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition I didn't even know existed.
Even though it's a very uncommon condition, affecting only about 1 to 2 percent of pregnant women, those women who have suffered from it say it's the worst thing that ever happened to them.
Pregnant women who suffer from hypermesis gravidarum vomit so much much that they end up being s__everely dehydrated and they even start to lose weight because they're not getting enough nutrients.__ The worse part is that almost everything causes them to get nauseous because as some women describe it, it seems that all other senses–like smell and taste–are heightened.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Kate Middleton and Prince William confirm pregnancy. Here's a look at OUR Latino royalty!
Women who suffer from this terrible condition have to be seen immediately by doctors to be hydrated and avoid putting their life and the life of their unborn baby at risk.
After reading about various cases of women who suffered from hypermesis gravidarum, I was shocked I had never before heard of this condition. I was lucky not to have known what pregnancy nausea is like both times I was pregnant, but I know perfectly well how miserable some of my friends felt. I can't even imagine how poor Kate must feel.
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