Occasionally you come across a story that makes you smile from ear to ear. This is one of them. More than a decade ago, Argentinean Monica Zapotoczny was 31 years old and wanted to be a mother at all costs. But since she'd had some issues with her fallopian tubes, she knew this would involve fertilization treatments, which she started right away with husband Guillermo Husak. Sadly, despite multiple attempts, none of the treatments were successful. Discouraged, but ready to move on, Zapotoczny and Husak found the solution to their dilemma in adoption. In 2005, they adopted a baby girl whom they named Daniela and pretty much forgot about the IVF treatments.
But in 2009, they got a phone call from the fertility clinic reminding them they still had seven frozen eggs left.
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Without thinking about it twice, Zapotoczny and Husak returned to the clinic to see if this time around the treatment would work. Although they were told it would be difficult since it had been so long since her eggs had been frozen, there was still a possibility Zapotoczny would get pregnant… a possibility that became a reality in 2011 and concluded in the birth of twins Mercedes and Guadeloupe in January of this year.
This is the first case in which a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth using eggs that were frozen more than a decade ago. Zapotoczny's feat is great news for women who suffer from cancer and have to postpone childbearing, as she expressed to Argentinean media:
It was a miracle. The joy we feel is indescribable, our family is complete. I hope other women who freeze their eggs can take hope from this that their dreams can one day come true.
Although the new parents–now in their mid-forties–say the first three months with the twins were not easy, they are extremely grateful and described their life as "beautiful". And, who can argue with that?
Image via Nina Mathews Photography/flickr