What can possibly make a student think that's it's okay to taunt, ridicule, pick on, and essentially have absolutely no respect for authority while everyone else just laughs at her antics? Or, gets it on video, as it happened in a Maryland high school recently. As can be seen in the video, uploaded to YouTube and most likely captured with a cell phone, a teen girl swats and flicks her teacher in the head as the instructor warns her go away or she'll get in trouble. Although the audio is not the best, laughter and swear words can be distinctly heard. What a disgrace!
Although the substitute teacher, who hasn't been identified, didn't report the incident to police, she did to school administrators who apparently launched an investigation and, as reported by abc2news.com, the student involved was disciplined.
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How she was disciplined is not known, but I doubt that will make her change her ways. Sadly, her behavior reflects a much bigger societal problem. While bullying is definitely one way of describing what this student did to her teacher, the biggest problem here is her absolute lack of respect for someone she should look up to.
I feel horrible for the poor substitute teacher, who probably didn't defend herself because who knows what kind of trouble that would've gotten her into, considering the highly litigious times in which we live. But I actually feel worse for the student. It's obvious her parents have not taught her the basics when it comes to interacting with others, especially when we're talking about adults.
I know nothing about this student, but if she's capable of such rude behavior, she's probably capable of a lot of other uncivil actions.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMzdBfn_x04
Image via ajari/flickr