While I'm the first one to criticize the lack of respect kids seem to have for authority figures these days, sometimes I wonder if this is not the result of crazy antics like the one allegedly pulled by a New Jersey teacher last week. According to mom Kandice Taylor, a teacher forced her 5-year-old daughter to eat a bagel out of the garbage can after the little girl threw it out because she didn't like it. Not only was Ke'Nya Febry humiliated in front of all her classmates, but she's been also having nightmares since that day. So much so that Taylor has kept her daughter out of school until the situation is resolved.
Meantime, the school hasn't really said much and, according to Taylor, is simply not cooperating.
But Taylor will not back down. She's determined to get an answer from the school as to why a teacher would make her little daughter do something only animals would do. As she told the South Jersey Times:
I'm not going to stop.This is not just about my daughter, this is about others also. From what I understand, Ke'Nya isn't the only one who has had a problem with school staff. She's being treated like a dog … like an animal, and I am not going to let this happen to my daughter anymore.
I'm 100 percent with her! I'd be livid if something like this happened to my daughter. In all honestly, I'd probably have a very hard time trusting the school and the teachers in charge of my daughter and I don't know if I'd be able to send her back there again.
I always have a hard time understanding what goes through the head of an adult before doing something as abusive and totally unacceptable as what this New Jersey teacher has been accused of doing. I mean, why be a teacher if you have it in you to act that way against someone as vulnerable as a 5-year-old child?
Image via juliejordanscott/flickr