One U.K. toddler recently got way more than he bargained for at his second birthday party when a restaurant waiter accidentally served him whiskey instead of fruit juice! Uh…oops!
Sonny Rees and his mother, Nina, were celebrating at a Frankie and Benny's restaurant when she ordered him his favorite drink, lime juice and water. As the meal went on, his mother encouraged him to take sips in order to wash down the salty food, but soon noticed that her son was making faces as he was drinking. When she tried it herself, she was shocked and horrified to learn that what she thought was an innocent kid's drink was actually alcohol!
"It was whiskey, I would say a double. As soon as I sipped it I had the slight burny feeling in my throat and warming in my chest," she told BBC News.
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Unfortunately, by the time she made this realization, Rees had already taken about 10 sips and was "obviously intoxicated." His mother took him to the ER, where he was examined. Luckily, the toddler remained unharmed.
Okay, can someone please explain to me how you could possibly mistake lime juice and whiskey? Wouldn't you be able to tell the difference by the, oh I don't know, very potent alcoholic smell? Though a restaurant spokesperson claims that the incident was a result of "human error," it honestly sounds more like a not very well thought-out prank to me. I'm just glad that the little boy was fine afterwards!
And I bet in a few years the family will look back on this story and laugh. At the very least, they will never forget his second birthday (even if Rees himself doesn't remember it!).
Image via Splash News