I'm a huge fan of the variety of Korean singer, Psy's song "Gangnam Style", but this awesome baby is probably way more of a fan than I am! Ten-month-old Benjamin Tsai is typically a fussy eater…except when "Gangnam Style" is playing. In this ADORABLE video, Benjamin's dad, Andrew, struggles to get him to eat as he cries about being fed…until he starts playing the song!
It's adobrable the way Benjamin's response to feeding time changes in a matter of seconds as he hears the catchy tune.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Baby 'Gangnam Style' dance is the best version ever! (VIDEO)
I remember the only way my parents could get me to drink milk was if my dad hummed the Batman theme song. I don't know why they ended up using that method, but it worked! So I can understand how this song might have an effect on easing cranky babies.
On Tsai's website, Gangnamstylebaby.com, he explains how this feeding technique began: "The first time I introduced it to him at a mealtime," the dad says, "I literally fed him within 7 minutes, or less than two plays of the video." His theory? He thinks "that the video shuts down some of his higher brain processes, and Benjamin just accepts whatever's put in front of his mouth."
Well, whatever calming effect this song must have, I'm glad it's working for Benjamin's parents and mealtime is less of a struggle now!
Watch the video below: