The 2012 election is fast approaching and it seems like everyone has something to say about it …even kids! In a super funny new video, Parenting.com crashed a block party in Brooklyn and asked a few of the children there some questions about the presidential race, like what party they belong to, whom the current president is, and what they think of the White House…and trust me, the results are hilarious!
When asked who the president of the United States is, most didn't know but one adorable young kid decided an approximation of the name was better than nothing at all, answering "Broccoli Yama." Aww! Another was actually able to properly identify AND pronounce Barack Obama's name, but when shown a picture of Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, he simply shrugged and said "the other guy." Haha, that's how I feel too, kid, that's how I feel too!
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And the hilarity didn't stop there. Most children didn't want to live at the White House, although one insisted he had "lived there before" (wow! Does the Secret Service know about this?!). Meanwhile, others became distressed when they realized there were two parties, thinking it meant another fiesta was being thrown at the same time as theirs.
But perhaps the most surprising revelation of all was that all of the kids said they would never want to be president! So who were their picks instead? Spongebob and Wonder Woman. Sounds like a few good choices to me!
Not only is the video hysterical, it's also refreshingly lighthearted at a time when everything elections related seems to have taken a hostile turn. Watch it below–and get ready for some laughs!
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