Is a first grader really capable of causing serious physical damage by throwing a tantrum? John Webster, a gym teacher at a Queens elementary school, certainly seems to think so. The 27-year-old is planning on suing the city after one of his pupils allegedly fractured his ankle, injured his knee, and forced him to go to therapy for stress –even though the student in question is only 6!
Though Webster–a former college football player–is just shy of 6 feet tall and weighs 220 pounds, he says that 4-foot-2, 50-pound first grader, Rodrigo Carpio, kicked and pinched him so hard that he now has to wear braces on his right ankle and knee. Huh?!
The incident allegedly took place in April after Webster attempted to scold Carpio for acting out during lunch. "I tried to hold his wrists, and he began biting me,'' Webster said. "I took him to the principal's office, and he kicked me in the ankle, and one kick landed right on my knee. I felt a pop.''
According to him, Carpio also kicked and pinched the principal, a security officer, and another teacher. Now, Webster, who calls the entire situation "a nightmare," is taking legal action.
Carpio's parents, for their part, call the lawsuit "totally absurd." "How could my little boy do so much damage?" his dad, 44-year-old Jorge Carpio, questioned.
I have to wonder the same thing. Though I by no means condone Carpio's bratty actions, I seriously doubt that what sounds like a typical tantrum by a temperamental 6-year-old could cause that much emotional and physical harm–especially with Webster being so strongly built. I mean, he could probably lift up the little kid with one hand if he wanted to!
But while I don't agree with Webster's intention of suing, I do believe that disciplinary actions need to be taken against the young student–by his parents, not the school. Though his mom says Carpio is now on medication that helps him focus, it's clear that the little boy needs to learn a thing or two about respect, particularly when it comes to his teachers!
Images via CBS 2