Before I had my first child, I had no idea what the term VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) meant. Then again, there was no reason for me to know. After all, I had plans of having a natural birth, so I did not concern myself with anything related to having a c-section. As life would have it, though, that's exactly what ended up happening. No amount of preparation for having a natural birth–including hypnosis classes, midwives and a mega birth plan–helped me avoid delivering my first child via c-section.
I was so against having a c-section that when I got pregnant the second time around I knew I wanted to do everything I could to avoid having another one. And that's when I found out about VBACs. Immediately, I knew I wanted to attempt to do it.
The first problem I faced was finding an OB-GYN who agreed to do it. Most of them, won't go for it. Or at least that's what I found in my city. Having a vaginal birth after a c-section does have its risks, but it's doable and lots of women are successful at it every year.
When I finally found a doctor willing to do it, he was very quick to tell me that I needed to be open to the possibility of me not being able to have a VBAC once the time came for me to deliver my son. He was very honest with me and I appreciated it and it ended up being the best advice because, unlike my first delivery, I went into the whole thing very open minded and ready to accept whatever came my way.
I'm now convinced that this is what helped me have a successful VBAC. I wanted to have a vaginal birth, but I knew that if things didn't work out that way, I'd be okay with having another c-section. I'm so glad I went with this option and I'll never forget my OB-GYN's words afters my son was born: "I didn't think you'd be able to do it," he said. "But out of the four women whom I helped deliver today, you were the only one who had a vaginal birth."
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