On Monday I told you about a high school student who opted to get paddled, which is legal in Texas, over spending one more day in in-school suspension. Taylor Santos' mom was livid not because her daughter got paddled, after all she gave the school permission to do so, but because her daughter was left bruised and in pain after the punishment, which came at the hands of a male assistant principal. According to Anna Jorgensen, he used to much force and violated the school policy that prohibits males from paddling female students.
Well, that was until the school district changed that policy late Monday night. Instead of abolishing corporal punishment, they actually made it okay for administrators to spank students of their same sex, just like what happened to Santos.
The reasoning, according to the school district superintendent, is that schools don't have enough female employees to carry out the paddling. Is he for real?
Read more in ¿Qué más?: Student gets 'smacked' with paddle by male vice principal in Texas high school (VIDEO)
As I said on Monday, the idea that schools in Texas are allowed to spank their students as long as their parents give them the okay, is wrong at many levels. First of all, it's completely outdated and backwards. Secondly, what is wrong with Texas parents who believe it's okay for school administrators to paddle their children to discipline them? Isn't that something that should be taken care of at home?
While many Latinas believe that there's nothing wrong with giving their kids un "nalgazo o un chancletazo," I find it hard to imagine that they would be okay with their kids' schools administering this. I mean, my husband got paddled back when he was in Catholic school in Puerto Rico, but he would never ever allow one of our daughter's teachers or school administrators to paddle her, especially if she was a teenager.
Images via Thinkstock, News 8