There have been plenty of cases of bad parenting this week, but this latest one has truly left me (almost) speechless.
A Delaware couple has been arrested after their daughter told police that her father "waterboarded" her as punishment while her mom watched nearby. And that's not even the most shocking part–in an ironic twist, the accused dad has reportedly previously appeared on Oprah as an expert on near-death experiences of children!
58-year-old Dr. Melvin Morse was originally arrested after authorities received reports that he had grabbed his 11-year-old daughter by her ankle and dragged her across a gravel driveway in early July. The young girl then revealed to the officers that in at least four separate incidents, her father had also disciplined her by holding her face under a faucet, and letting the water run over her face and up her nose–a form of TORTURE otherwise known as "waterboarding."
Read more ¿Qué más?: Parents arrested after forcing kids into plastic boxes as punishment
Isn't that unbelievable? I am appalled that someone is capable of torturing anyone, but to think of a parent doing it to their own child? It's completely INSANE!
But the entire matter is only made worse when considering the source, an author/pediatrician who has apparently been featured on major TV shows! Can you imagine? This man has to be a seriously twisted person to dole out advice on national networks and then go home and torture his poor, young daughter. In fact, I can't even tell who is worse—him or his wife, who just stood idly by and never did a thing to stop her husband's actions.
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I am just relieved that the kids are now safely away from their obviously psychotic parents and that the couple was caught and will face consequences for their abuse. Both Morse and his wife face seven counts of reckless endangerment, child endangerment and conspiracy, but only Morse remains in jail—where I hope he will stay for a long time!
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Images via Delware State Police