Mom pushes teen daughter to get breast implants

When I first read the headline of the story of a 14-year-old girl whose mom is urging her to get breast implants, I was floored. What kind of mom would do that? But then, I learned that the mom, Chantal Marshall, and her four older daughters, are Britain's most cosmetically enhanced family, so I relaxed a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the Marshalls' lifestyle, but if she's basically pushed all the other women in her family to get boob jobs, why would she act any different with Britney, her youngest one?

Even so, I think the whole thing is outrageous–especially the part where Chantal says, "I really love the fake look of my girls and I know Britney will go that way when she's a bit older."

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Say what? I can't imagine a mom saying she likes the fake look of her daughter. I just can't. And if you take a look at their photo, you'll see what she's talking about because at least a couple of them look completely fake–especially 27-year-old Terri Marshall who's had three breast implants and is now a size 34HH. 

Britney, who recently turned 14-years-old, says she hasn't decided whether or not she's going to get breast implants although she sounds intrigued by how much her sisters and her mom love their boob jobs and the attention that comes with them. And it seems like looks and getting attention is all her mom Chantal cares about. "I've got the boobs of a glamour girl and I think I look amazing. It's like being young again," she told The Sun.

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Can you imagine the kind of message she's sending to her daughters? Sadly, it seems like it's kind of late for all of them. I wonder if Britney will be strong enough to stand her ground if she opts against the implants or if she'll be way too pressured by her own mom and sisters to follow in their footsteps. For now, she says all she wants to do is "focus on my school work." Let's hope she realizes that brains are much more valuable than looks.

What do you think about this mom? Would you encourage your daughter's to have plastic surgery? Tell us what you think by leaving us a comment.

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