I did have every intention of getting my Father's Day shopping done early like I do every year, but this time around I'm gonna have to run. And since I am one of those who loves the challenge of finding the one cool gift that will bring the element of surprise and be the kind of thing the person receiving it wouldn't think of getting for himself, coming up with the idea requires some thinking.
What are the things dad likes to do, and what gadget, product or "little toy" he does't already have? You won't find me in some men's clothing store looking for the typical tie, shirt or pair of socks. You'll find me on the internet, toystore, drugs store or liquor store instead.
Let's see if these ideas will inspire you to buy and wrap a fun present for dad that he might not expect but will completely welcome happily.
What kinds of things will you give as presents to the father of your kids?
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What a way to celebrate dad

An ultra-premium blend of rums that is perfect for a first class dad. Zacapa Rum XO is a mix of all the fruity and spicy flavors that he will love, but not as much as he'll love you for giving it to him!
Celebrate his sense of humor

You will hit the nail on the head with this gift, perfect for dad's desk at work. Nail It Desk Organizer.
Sweet wishes

Who ever said men don't like flowers? Chocolate flowers! At Edible Arrangements you can pick any kind of a mix of beautifully cut and arranged fruit flowers that will make for a delicious treat!
Fun with dad

Give dad what he enjoys most: time wih the famiy. A classic game like Battleship Movie Edition will be just right to feed his competitive spirit and will result in hours of family fun!
Para el papá con estilo

Dad might not know that he really wants to be pampered unti he actually is, so buy him that something you know he'd never think of buying for himself. I love to treat the special dad in my life to a sensorial experience he will love. Redken for Men Mint Clean Invigorating Shampoo y el Cool Finish Invigorating Conditioner does just that (and if you're lucky maybe he'll let you use them too every once in a while).
For the gadget lover

Surprise him with the new technology of the 3M Mobile Projector MP225a, a projector he connects to his mobile device to enjoy his favorite movies and TV shows. He'll be able to project them up to 80" on any flat surface. Fun!