Whenever I've gone on vacation to a tropical island, I've looked at the list of activities and usually tried to do at least one fun, experimental one. Something I've never done before and maybe even was a little afraid to try. But the one that I've always been weary of is the zip line. Then I heard the news that a girl in Georgia has been struck with flesh-eating disease after a zip line accident and has already lost one leg but may be losing her other leg and both of her hands, I was shocked by how much damage this seemingly fun activity has caused.
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Aimee Copeland is the 24-year-old Georgia student who has already lost her leg after riding a homemade zip line near Tallapoosa River. Unfortunately for her family, the zip line snapped and she fell, cutting her leg pretty badly. It took doctors nearly two dozen staples to seal the wound but the necrotizing fasciitis had burrowed itself in her wound. Her father, though, is hopeful despite the possibility that she will now lose her other leg and both of her hands, telling WSB-TV:
Aimee appears to have normal brain function at this time, which is something I'm celebrating because within Aimee we have a very compassionate heart and an incredible mind of intellect. I couldn't conceive of what it would be like for my daughter to lose her hands and the only other foot she has, as well, and that appears to be what is going to happen. The most important thing is my daughter is still alive.
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I agree with her father that it's a miracle Aimee's doing better and that the most important thing is that she's alive. But, although I might have considered trying the zip line as something that I absolutely had to try before, now I'm not so sure. And I definitely wouldn't let my kids do it, either! Okay, I don't have kids at the moment but the thought of one of my imaginary future kids losing a limb, much less all four, because of a flesh-eating disease that was caused by a zip line accident is unbearable.
Have you ever gone zip lining? Do you think it's dangerous? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via laserbud/flickr