It seems like everyday someone starts a blog somewhere and it's harder and harder to navigate the blogosphere with so much great content out there. Although the number of moms who blog in Spanish in the United States is small when compared to those who blog in English, many of these are definitely worth your time. And we wanted to share them with you!
Here is a list (in no particular order) of MamásLatinas favorite Spanish language mami bloggers:
1) Ahorros para Mamá: Denisse Icaza is an Ecuadorian mom of three who has created a blog shockful of tips on shopping with coupons and savings in general. Believe me, I learned how to save a ton of money on diapers and I'll be forever grateful for that! You should visit Ahorros para Mamá because you'll learn to save money when shopping in ways you never imagined. Twitter: @DenisseIcaza
Mami Talks: A bilingual blog (what a feat!) created by the super talented Dariela Cruz, a Venezuelan graphic designer, photographer and mom of two. Her stories about her family's adventures, her culture and her life in general are always illustrated by her beautiful photos. You should visit Mami Talks because you'll be in for a treat and you'll feel like you've known Dariela forever. Twitter: @darielacruz
Nibbles & Feasts: Visit Ericka Sanchez' blog and your mouth will start watering! Her recipes are all about nostalgia, her Mexican culture and comfort food–but there's all kinds of recipes too. You should visit Nibbles & Feasts because even if you're not that great in the kitchen (like me!) you'll be inspired by Ericka and her creations. Twitter: @NibblesNFeasts
4) La Familia Cool: Dominican Dania Santana, writes about her everyday experiences as a mom of two. The writer and translator also has regular giveaways in her blog. You should visit La Familia Cool because you'll enjoy the variety of topics Dania writes about in both English and Spanish. Twitter: @lafamiliacool
5) Mamá Latina Tips: This is another bilingual blog by Silvia Martinez a Mexican mom of two who writes about family events, recipes, overall well being, product reviews and always has tons of giveaways in both Spanish and English. You should visit Mamá Latina Tips because she's in the know about anything and everything that'll make your life as a mom easier, better and more fun! Twitter: @mamalatina
Eliana Tardio: A blog created by Eliana Tardio, a mom who's raising two children with Down's Syndrome and an advocate for parents and Latino children with special needs. You should visit Eliana Tardio's blog because she writes candidly about children with special needs and you'll be touched by her stories. Twitter: @elianatardio
Mamá Contemporánea: Rory Lassanske is a multicultural mom of two who hails from Venezuela and writes about everything from maternity to technology and other topics that interests moms, especially the one who haven't lived in the States a long time. You should visit Mamá Contemporánea because you'll find posts about topics, products and services of interest to the modern Latina mom. Twitter: @mcontemporanea
Disneylandia al Día: The first Spanish language blog about the Disneyland Resort in California is full of super useful information that will make your visit to the theme park much better. You should visit Disneylandia al Dia because even if you're not visiting any time soon you and your kids can learn all kinds of cool stuff about the park in their ¿Sabías que? section. Twitter: @DisneylandiaDia
What are your favorite Spanish language mami bloggers?