Of course, Mariah Carey's twins would get the ultimate diva treatment for their 1st birthday! __Monroe and Moroccan are reaching their big one-year-old milestone on April 30__th and mommy and daddy are ensuring they're celebrating in true celeb style! What are their plans? Oh, well, just a little trip to Paris!
Carey's husband Nick Cannon broke the news to E! News, vaguely proclaiming, "It's up in the air right now but it's probably not going to be in the states. We are going to take it overseas." But when the reporter suggested a party at the Eiffel Tower, Cannon responded with a smile, saying "You're good."
What?! One-year-olds and they're going on a birthday jaunt to Paris? For real? Is that like the Hollywood version of Chuck E. Cheese? If my mom's photo album serves me correctly, my first birthday consisted of family, a cake, and me in a girly and adorable (but definitely NOT designer which I'm sure Monroe and Moroccan will be wearing) dress in the backyard. It looks like it was a good time but I really can't know for sure because I (like most people) DON'T REMEMBER IT.
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Seriously who remembers their first birthday? I mean, I feel like the only thing that really registers at that age is the cake. So why not save the more elaborate trips for when the kids are at least a little older?
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But while I think the plans seem pretty over-the-top for two one-year-olds, I can't help but accept the fact that the whole plan fits in perfectly with Carey's signature, extravagant over-the-top style. I mean if anyone's babies are gonna celebrate their first year at the Eiffel Tower, it would be hers. And I think everyone can agree that they are one lucky pair of toddlers! Plus even I have to admit–Monroe and Moroccan will look absolutely adorable sporting some French berets. Happy Birthday twinsies!
What do you think of their upcoming party–over-the-top or just right?
Image via Nick Cannon/twitter