People are just coming out of the woodwork to go after Jennifer Lopez lately. Our Lady J of the Lo just cannot seem to get any good press lately. The latest person who can’t seem to keep J.Lo’s name out of her mouth is former cohost of The View, Meghan McCain. Meghan recently declared that J.Lo “is in her flop” era and that did so well for Meghan’s TikTok views that, apparently, she wants to capitalize on that attention by continuing to talk trash about J.Lo while acting like she's not trying to talk trash about J.Lo. Allow me explain my reasoning.
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“The most viewed TikTok we have is me admitting that J.Lo coming on The View was not my favorite by a lot,” Meghan told Carlos King, the CEO of Kingdom Reign Entertainment, on a recent segment of the Citizen McCain podcast she cohosts with Miranda Wilkins. She’s not lying. That one TikTok where she talked unkindly about J.Lo has over 2 million views, which is significantly more than any other post on Meghan’s account. Hmmm, could that be why she keeps bringing up Jennifer? Oh, but the hypocrisy, I can’t even! But I will because I just have too much to say.
Meghan declared that 'J.Lo is in a PR mess' and offered to help.
Ostensibly, the TikTok Meghan and Miranda posted was to help J.Lo fix the “PR mess” they believe her to be in. Not that Jennifer asked for their help or anything. Nope, these two white women just seem to feel it’s their moral responsibility to step in and tell an incredibly successful woman of color not only what she has done wrong, but how she should fix it. How very Karen-esque of them.
Meghan also shared that Jennifer is not her favorite.

“Look, I have a bad J.Lo story, too. I mean, she came on The View many times. Not my favorite, not my favorite,” she shared. And what did Jennifer do to offend Meghan?
Apparently, Meghan had an issue with the size of Jen's entourage.
“Let me tell you something. Some of the biggest celebrities I’ve ever met in my entire life, I mean giant celebrities, have tiny, maybe one publicist with them. Jennifer Lopez has more people traveling with her than the president or as many,” Meghan explained.
I'm so confused.
Why is that offensive to Meghan? Does J.Lo not deserve to have such a large entourage? What size entourage would be acceptable to Meghan? Did members of that entourage somehow mistreat Meghan? I don't get what the problem is. Jennifer is certainly not the only celebrity to have a large entourage.
Meghan's not kidding.
“I’m not kidding, and I do remember. I’m going to get in so much trouble for this, but my big memory of J.Lo is there was a person whose entire job was to hold up a mirror with lights while they were touching her up backstage. Purchased a mirror with lights so she could see into it,” Meghan continued.
Meghan pitied the mirror holder and made up a whole backstory for him.
“And I remember being like that poor man, what a weird job. You know he probably went to art school or something, he had dreams of being a musician, he’s like ‘I hold J.Lo’s light lit, like whatever,’” Meghan went on.
Allow me to interject for a moment.
How the heck does Meghan know that holding a dang mirror was that man’s only job? Did she ask him or did she simply assume that because that’s all she saw him do? Also, if that man is unhappy holding up a mirror and getting paid for it, someone please let Jennifer know that I have a very steady hand and would love to take his job.
Well, since that TikTok got so much attention, why not keep the momentum going, right?
Let’s not act like content creators, Meghan included, aren’t at least partially motivated by views, plays, and attention in general. So once that J. Lo is in her “flop era” post got so much attention, Meghan followed up, because of course she did!
This time around, she comes off like a gossipy tía who doesn’t want to say anything bad, but…
“I actually feel bad right now because I feel like there is…actually we’re turning a point where there’s like bullying happening to J.Lo and I don’t want to add to that,” Meghan said to Carlos during a segment of her podcast published on YouTube.
But then she instantly gets shady.
“She’s just is a deeply unpleasant person,” Meghan continued. Wow for someone who doesn’t want to add to the bullying, that’s fresh. Then she doubled down on the entourage thing.
Again with the entourage thing.
“She had the biggest entourage I’ve ever seen like of a celebrity more than Kim Kardashian and more than the president. Like I’ve never seen and I just don’t really understand what why it was needed!” she exclaimed.
Why does the size of Jen’s entourage make Meghan upset?
Uh, maybe the size of Jen’s entourage is none of your business Meghan. Maybe it’s not for you to understand. Maybe Jennifer doesn’t feel the need to explain herself to you and that’s OK.
“Why are you looking like that? J.Lo does not have a reputation for being a nice, normal person,” she asked Carlos when she saw his reaction. FYI, Carlos happens to be a big J.Lo fan, which might explain why he reacted the way that he did.
Then unsubstantiated accusations were made.
“She had our video, she had our video of it taken down,” Miranda can be heard saying in the background. To which Meghan added “Oh yeah, and then she had our video taken down, Carlos!”
“Meghan McCain and Miranda wait a second! Jennifer J.Lo Lopez Affleck had your video taken down on TikTok?” Carlos asked for clarification. Not sure that clarification is what he got, though.
“Yes, but then it got put back up,” Meghan responded. “She had it taken down for like terms of violation for bullying and I just said she had a huge entourage and she was not my favorite guest I’ve ever interviewed. That’s like the direct quote and it was taken down for bullying.”
Meghan where are your receipts?
I ask because how the heck does Meghan know why that video was taken down or who reported it? Does she have some insider knowledge or is she just assuming? Perhaps that’s why Meghan and Miranda backpedaled and started saying “allegedly.”
The power of 'allegedly.'
“Oh, yeah, we don’t want to get in trouble,” Miranda added. “Allegedly.” Anyone can allege anything they want as long they add the word “allegedly," which is why I allege that Meghan is only too happy to jump on the J.Lo bash-a-thon bandwagon as long as it keeps getting her views and attention.