What could we possibly tell you about Kim Kardashian that we haven't already told you? Not much since the woman seems to be an open book that we've all read cover to cover. She's been living her life on camera by choice ever since Keeping Up With the Kardashians hit the screen in 2007. But even though she has seemingly put it all out there for public consumption, there are a few things that we never knew about her until now.
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In honor of her 40th birthday on October 21, 2020, Kim decided to share 40 things about herself with E!. And not just any 40 things, she focused on sharing things those of us not close to her would not know. We invite you to read what she shared in her own words. There's actually a lot to learn about the woman everyone thinks they already know everything about. The last one will give you all the feels because it's sweet, genuine, heartfelt, and so very true.
You should not invite her to karaoke.
I never had an awkward phase. LOL.
I'm most proud of my businesses—starting them and building them up.
I hate karaoke.
She likes Wonder Woman and art.

If I were a superhero, I would be Wonder Woman bc she rules the world.
The best gift anyone's ever given me was a [Lucio] Fontana painting.
My nickname growing up was Jouge. We have no clue where it came from, but my dad always called me this.
You might be surprised by what she would like to be remembered for.
Every day I wake up at 5:49 a.m., brush my teeth, wash my face, change into workout clothes and workout at 6 a.m.
First thing I do when I walk into my house is change into comfy clothes and take off any jewelry off.
I would like to be remembered for just being kind.
She's practical.
My first kiss was with a boy named Gerard. It was a quick peck on the playground at school.
If I were stranded on an island, the two things I would want to have with me are my family and my cell phone.
You won't believe what she likes to watch on TV.
My go-to guilty pleasure TV shows are Catfish and Hoarders.
Erin Haney and Jessica Jackson are my mentors. I get daily law advice from these bomb ass lawyers.
I once cheated on an essay in college.
She's done it all.
I'd like to learn how to play the piano.
The one thing I miss the most about life pre-Covid is going out to dinners.
There isn't one thing I've wanted to do but have been afraid of. I've done it all.
She's got back issues.
I loved studying psychology in school.
The most recent thing I purchased online was a back support pillow. My back always hurts.
My favorite curse word? F–king loser. Used it just now!
She was supposed to be on another reality show before 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians.'
I was supposed to be on a reality show called I'm a Rich Kid, Get Me Out of Here! It got canceled before filming. I was devastated and then KUWTK happened.
My favorite thing to do during my free time is text people.
I have no time for frenemies.
She has a hidden talent.
My hidden talent: I can smell cavities.
The last thing I watched on YouTube was Azzyland videos with my daughter North.
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cooper. She's the best preschool teacher to my kids.
The emoji I use the most is magic glitter sparkle.
Kanye wishes she wouldn't wear so much makeup.
I'm into a shot of tequila while I study—818 tequila—chased with lemonade.
I can't live without my kids.
The thing that annoys Kanye the most is that I wear a lot of makeup.
Guess who she's star struck by?
If I were given three wishes, I'd ask for me and my family's health, happiness and world peace.
The celebrity I've been most starstruck by is Cher. She's just so beautiful.
Her ideal day off is pretty chill.
If I could only keep three possessions they would be my phone, lip balm and
sunglassesa mask. -
My ideal day off would be spending time with friends, getting a massage, a facial and lying in bed.
My favorite food is cookies 'n cream ice cream.
What makes her feel old?
TikTok makes me feel old.
The last thing I Googled was pictures of gardens
She doesn't love olives and mustard, but she does love Blanche.
The food that repulses me the most: olives and mustard.
Blanche is my favorite Golden Girl.
Losing her dad has had the biggest impact on her life.
- The death of my dad has had the biggest impact on my life. It's taught me to love hard because time isn't promised.