Jennifer Lopez: ‘I have never done Botox or any injectable or surgery’

Jennifer Lopez took a moment to shut down one of her 138 million Instagram followers on Saturday, when she was yet again accused of getting Botox. Although J.Lo rarely replies to followers directly on the social media platform, the 51-year-old megastar was obviously frustrated enough to warrant a clapback.

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The reaction came after Jen posted a video on the social media platform showing off the her results after using a mask from her new JLo Beauty skin care line, and a follower commented, "…you definitely have Botox. And tons of it," prompting the uncharacteristic response from J.Lo, who said, "LOL thats just my face!!!"

The video was specifically about the JLo Beauty mask results.

Jennifer posted the video that showed off her skin immediately after removing the mask saying: "OK I just took off the mask. Honestly, I cannot even see a line on my face. It is glowy and gorgeous and tight. I feel like it took 10 years off my face."

The commenter claimed J.Lo's skin is the result of Botox, not the mask.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

But, one Instagram user immediately hopped on to comment accusing J.Lo of getting Botox, rather than having smooth skin as a result of the face mask. "But can I just mention that brows and forehead doesn’t move at all when you talk or try to express… you definitely have Botox. And tons of it. And it’s all good. Just saying," the person commented.

Jennifer clapped back within hours.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

Within hours, J.Lo returned to Instagram to shut down the comment. "For the 500 millionth time…I have never done Botox or any injectables or surgery!!" she asserted. "Get you some JLO BEAUTY and feel beautiful in your own skin!! And here is another JLO BEAUTY secret: try spending your time being more positive, kind and uplifting of others don't spend your time trying to bring others down that will keep you youthful and beautiful too," Jen suggested.

And some fans came to her defense.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

Some fans immediately came to Jennifer's defense, pointing out that genetics, regular facials, clean eating, and regular exercise all contribute to her trademark beautiful, glowing complexion. Several fans also made the point that they, too, have good skin genetically and look younger than their actual ages. But it wasn't enough.

But far more were convinced she's not being truthful.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

But far more of J.Lo's followers seemed convinced that she wasn't being entirely truthful, calling on her to remove the filter, post a video of her moving her eyebrows and so on. Many even accused the star of having a face lift, a tummy tuck, and a number of other procedures.

But that wasn't the point.

If anything though, her J.Lo Beauty video proves that the product is doing what it should. Anyone who has used a good sheet mask knows that your face looks amazing immediately after removing a mask. Jennifer even pointed out how different her face looked compared to her arms. Beyond that, Jennifer often posts makeup-free selfies and videos to her Instagram account in which her wrinkles, lines, and undereye bags are visible. In this workout picture for example, we can see wrinkles on her forehead and even the crinkly bit of loose skin on her famous abs from carrying twins. Other photos show the lines around her eyes, further indicating that she is in fact being truthful.