Cardi B wore the heck out of a skintight leopard print body suit during her May 26 performance at Drai’s nightclub in Las Vegas. Some fans loved the look with one commenting “Hot Mama! .” But, of course, there were also body-shaming trolls because this is the internet we’re talking about. Haters had all kinds of fatphobic comments to make about Cardi’s body, which is nothing new and wouldn’t even be worth mentioning if it weren’t for the fantastic way that Cardi responded.
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Cardi, posted a video on social media that acknowledged the body-shaming she was getting in a way that showed exactly how she felt about the commentary. Cardi ate! The woman metaphorically and literally ate! She chewed up the hateful commentary and a yummy looking stack of pancakes while she was at it. I love it so much! Check it out.
Here’s what Cardi wore, not that it matters.
I’m showing you the outfit more to set the scene than anything else because it doesn’t really matter what she wore as people need to keep their fatphobic comments to themselves. Like, just stop already!
Anyway, she was up on stage doing her thing and channeling that confidence of hers. She delivered energy, charisma, and a whole lot of stage presence. But all some fools could talk about was her body.
Not one to be shy about responding to trolls, Cardi did just that.

She posted a video of herself wearing a white robe and sitting in front of a plate stacked with three fluffy pancakes covered in maple syrup. She proceeds to fake sob as she reaches for a can of whipped cream to put on her pancakes and says, “I’m getting body-shamed. I’m so sad.”

“Everybody saying that I look fat, that my ass is so fat,” she continues through more fake sobs. Then she stuffs a big ol’ forkful of pancake and whipped cream into her mouth and flicks her tongue out to get a bit of whipped cream from the corner of her mouth.
I told you she ate!
“Everybody hates me,” she mockingly adds. “I don’t know…What am I gonna do?” she slowly asks while preparing another yummy forkful of pancakey goodness. You do you, Cardi! Just keep doing you.