We interrupt any and all things upsetting, stressful, or otherwise unpleasant to bring you images of the cutest baby Halloween costumes ever. Your eyes are about to be behold babies dressed in costumes that will delight you and make you smile from ear to ear. Consider this our sugar-free, but plenty sweet Halloween treat to you. Although we are perfectly happy to share these pictures with you for the sheer enjoyment factor, there's another reason we are sharing them.
More from MamásLatinas: Halloween costumes you can put together with things you already have at home
We want to remind you that if you have a baby, now is the time to take advantage of the opportunity to create some sweet memories. We know babies don't trick-or-treat because they're too small, but dressing them up is a treat for us that will later be a treat for them when we show them pictures of how cute they looked in costume. Don't deprive yourself or your baby of the chance to make some awesome memories and take great pics to prove you made the memories. Now, hurry up and look at these babies in costumes that are the cutest!
OK, what over-tired parent doesn't love a good cafecito?
The costume itself is clever, given that many parents of babies rely on some good ol' java juice to keep them going, but can we take a moment to admire this baby's legs? Look at those delicious rolls? Coffee and rolls, what a great combination!
Babies make for the perfect burritos.
When you swaddle a baby, the little one already tends to look like a burrito. This baby is quite possibly the happiest looking burrito we have EVER seen. Bonus points for adding foil to the bottom of this costume because it adds that finishing touch!
Introducing a couple of Cup Noodles cuties.
Just one of these cuties would have sufficed to bring us joy, but seeing two Cup Noodles babies is too, too cute. We love the attention to detail on the noodles themselves. How they have tiny little pieces of dehydrated looking veggies on them. Well done.
This little piggy makes us so happy!
Can you believe this?! A baby dressed as a baby piggy. Get two more and add a baby dressed as a wolf and we'd buy tickets to that fairy tale show. Which piggy do you think this one is? We think it's the one who built the brick house because of the pride on that little face.
This grape costume would be easy to recreate.
All you really need is a walking baby and a bunch of either green or purple balloons. Be warned that you should not fill the balloons with helium if you don't want the baby to go flying away because babies don't weigh all that much.
How do you like your hot dogs?
Do you like them topped with ketchup, mustard, relish, and onions? Or are you more of a no-fuss just add some mustard to it and eat? We're thinking this baby makes the case for keeping it simple. Just a simple squiggle of mustard and done!
An octopus on land?!
A polka dot octopus with a baby face hanging out on land with a bunch of pumpkins? It's official, we've seen it all and we're not complaining because we like what we see. This costume is hilarious because all you can see of the baby is the baby's face.
Check out this carrot top!
Well, to be honest both the carrot top and carrot bottom are adorable. If you can knit or crotchet, this might be something you could whip up for a baby in your life. Look at how cozy and comfy this particular baby seems to be in this carrot outfit!
How about some spaghetti and meatballs?
Come on now! This spaghetti and meatballs is just too darned delightful to eat. Also, there's no sauce, which is probably a good idea since an actual baby is involved and the sauce would just end up everywhere. Did you notice that the baby is sitting in an actual bowl?
In case one plate of spaghetti and meatballs isn't enough.
Hey, we're not judging. Maybe you have a large family to feed and you need to make a bucket load or tub full of spaghetti and meatballs to make sure there's enough for everyone. Plus, the baby looks really comfortable just lying there.
These sheepish babies look so cuddly.
Just how many cotton balls do you think it took to make these two baby sheep costumes? Counting them might help put you to sleep. The addition of the pink bows is funny. How many sheep wearing bows have you seen in your life?
What a doll!
Is it us or does this little doll look just like a Cabbage Patch Doll? That face, those cheeks, that hair! We're thinking the hair is a wig. What do you think? Just kidding, of course, it's a wig. Unless mommy and daddy have hair made of yarn, which is highly unlikely.
Speaking of dolls!
Which one of these two is an actual doll? A case could be made for either or both because is a way they are both dolls. Obviously, the baby's look was inspired by the doll, but if you were to ask who wore it better, it's hard to pick.
Baby shark ear worm coming right up!
Get ready to have this stuck in your head all day: "Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo." Sorry. Blame the baby shark, not us.
How ducky is this?
We would say that this baby duck is about as ducky as you can get and by ducky we mean darling, dear, and delightful. You could just as easily put an egg costume on this baby and have Humpty Dumpty sitting on a fence.
Be like this baby, be a pineapple!
You know what they say: "Be a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside." This baby gets a pass on the standing tall part and extra points on the being sweet part. And the sunglasses are most definitely a nice touch.
This DIY popcorn costume is brilliant!
If you have a baby carrier, all you need is some red and white felt to turn it into a popcorn container. Then you put baby in the carrier and add a beanie that has been covered in popcorn. The only problem is you may be tempted to eat the popcorn.
Just a chicken and a cow.
The looks on both of these creatures' faces are hilarious. Neither looks too happy to be dressed up, but they both look so wonderful. This might be the first time in history that a chicken is taller than a cow.
Gumballs, anyone?
A baby might be too young to enjoy a gumball, but they aren't too young to be dressed up like a gumball machine. This is one of those costumes that you could rather easily recreate yourself with a few pompoms, felt, and a glue gun.
We're not lyin' when we say this lion is adorbs.
Now, this lion may not look all that ferocious, but that's OK. Who says a lion always has to be on the prowl? This lion is just calmly surveying the surroundings. There won't be any problems unless naptime is skipped and then you'll have a very grumpy, fussy lion to deal with.
A merbaby washed up on the shore!
We thought mermaids were lovely, but now we're all about the merbabies. Clearly, this merbaby must be royalty or the heiress to a tiara factory because she knows how to rock a sparkly headpiece like nobody's business. Love that her tail is blue instead of green.
A pumpkin in a pumpkin?
Get out! This is so meta. First of all, we love a good picture of a baby in a pumpkin and always will. But a baby dressed as a pumpkin inside of a pumpkin? Well, that's just doubly delightful and we are so here for it.
This baby is lookin' lot a hot mess in rollers!
We know because we've been guilty of rocking this look ourselves, but not as a costume. When we've worn it's been because there hasn't been time to get the rollers out or get dressed. The thing is that this baby looks way better than we do when we're wearing the same thing. Maybe it's because of the sunglasses. Yeah, that must be it.
Normally, bats creep us out.
That's because normally bats aren't as cute as this baby. Sorry, bat lovers that's just how we feel. You are welcome to go batty for real bats, but we'll be over here admiring this pretend bat instead.
How clever is this scuba diver costume?
It's brilliant! You fashion a scuba tank out of an empty 2-liter bottle and attached it with a tube to a pacifier. The googles are made out of a sleeping mask and baby is just dressed in all black. It's really so simple and easy to make.
Is that a monarch butterfly?
We ask because viceroy butterflies look a lot like monarch butterflies, but we don't know enough to tell the difference. What we can tell you is that this little butterfly is lovely. One day, it will be all grown and old enough to fly away.
A single flower that beats any bouquet.
Is this not the single most wonderful flower that is not actually a flower that you have ever seen? The expression on that face is extraordinary. Also, notice how there are lady bugs all over this little bloom. They could not stay away.
This mouse got caught in a trap.
There are so many things to love about this costume. First, let us begin by assuring you that the baby was not hurt or actually caught in a trap and that no actual cheese was wasted. This is all very safe for baby and respectful of cheese.
Two scoops of ice cream and a baby.
Another costume that would be easy to make if you know how to crotchet or knit. This looks like it's mint and strawberry ice cream. We would maybe go for a chocolate and vanilla combo. The best part is the baby looking all angelic while sleeping.
Fresh lobster in a pot!
Getting or making a lobster costume for your baby is probably cheaper than buying a lobster dinner, so DEAL! Also, your little lobster will come out much cuter in pictures than an actual lobster in a pot. Guaranteed!
Have a budding chef?
This little guy may still need a highchair, but that doesn't keep him from cooking up a storm. Is that pasta we see on the tray? It looks like it is stuffed with something delicious. Love how this chef doesn't mind getting a little messy.