Marriage is great, right? But before you tie the knot (or, if you're already married and are curious about what you're in for…), it's important to know the down and dirty of your partner. In fact, one of the most revealing traits can be due to their zodiac sign, which can tell you some of the surprising pros and cons of marrying each sign. Not convinced? Read on to see what you can discover about your sweetie… and maybe yourself!
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The pros & cons of marrying an Aries (March 21-April 19).

Aries are known to be fun loving, wild and exciting to be around, which is why your marriage will basically never have a dull moment. However, they're also stubbornly set in their own ways and can be a bit selfish and bossy.
The pros & cons of marrying a Taurus (April 20-May 20).

Taurus partners are totally loyal, hardworking and you can depend on them to come home at the same time every night. The downside, however, is that they expect their lovers to be just as devoted and reliable. So if you're a free spirit, it's best to stay away from this one.
The pros & cons of marrying a Gemini (May 21-June 20).

Talkative, a great conversationalist, super interesting and smart to boot are just some of the advantages of being with a Gemini. The bad part comes in that sometimes they're TOO talkative and have a hard time listening. Plus, well, they can be a bit commitment-phobic.
The pros & cons of marrying a Cancer (June 21-July 22).

Nurturing and loving…. just like a teddy bear! The Cancer is cuddly, close with his mom, and understands your feelings. But they can have high expectations and be a mami's boy, meaning you'll never live up to your suegra. Plus, they're known to be moody!
The pros & cons of marrying a Leo (July 23-August 22).

Similar to fellow fire sign Aries, the Leo is never boring. A natural entertainer with sparking wit and a dynamic lifestyle, he's always fun to be around. But the Leo can get pouty when he's not the center of attention and otherwise hot-headed and very vain.
The pros & cons of marrying a Virgo (August 23-September 22).

The Virgo is supremely organized. That's their #1 trait! Plus they're dedicated, well put-together and really have their feet on the ground. Alternatively, they're also OCD about the organization… and simply too ruled by the love of routine.
The pros & cons of marrying a Libra (September 23-October 22).

Sociable, pleasant to be around and (BONUS!) romantic and sweet, the Libra is like this to absolutely everyone. That's nice… though it can also mean that they're total notorious players. Even when they're not outright cheaters, they can't help but flirt with everyone they meet.
The pros & cons of marrying a Scorpio (October 23-November 21).

The Scorpio man is loyal, very passionate and also pretty darn straightforward. And they're determined, too, which is never a bad thing. On the flip side, however, they can be secretive and have a hidden agenda. Plus, well, their words can cut like a knife! YIKES.
The pros & cons of marrying a Sagittarius (November22-December 21).

A Sagitarius is always up for adventure and love to travel the world. They're also pretty intelligent. However, they absolutely HATE losing and act like a total know-it-all pretty much all of the time. And tact? Forget about it!
The pros & cons of marrying a Capricorn (December 22-January 19).

The Capricorn is a great provider in the home thanks to their hard work and determination to suceed. Plus they're loyal, strong-willed and independent. But they can also be extremely stubborn, a bit controlling and emotionally detached… Definitely things you'll want to watch out for.
The pros & cons of marrying an Aquarius (January 20-February 18).

The Aquarius dude is young at heart (awww!) and always up for a good time. They're innovative and seek out the special parts of life, which can be thrilling. However, they have a hard time being dependable and can have a rebellious nature to the point that they "shake things up" just for the sake of it.
The pros & cons of marrying a Pisces (February 19-March 20).

They are very sweet and excellent listeners. Typically giving their hearts and souls to a relationship, the Pisces man is also romantic and passionate. The downside of this guy is that he can be extremely hot and cold in a heartbeat, likely a way to protect themselves from being taken advantage of.