Love runs deep, but can we talk about some of the things that we as women do that drive the men in our lives crazy? Nope, I'm not talking crazy in a good way. Some of these actions we are totally aware of and we do them anyway, while some things are less intentional. We may want to check ourselves!
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You criticize his mom.

He loves his mom, give him a break. I mean pobrecito, what do you want him to do? He can't exchange her for a new one. Not to mention, you probably wouldn't like it if he criticized your mom.
You can't decide where to eat.

You're super hungry and going out to eat with your boo. When he asks you where you want to eat you answer, "Anywhere is fine." Then he suggests a place and you're like, "Oh, not that place." Come on!
You eat off of his plate.

You don't even ask, you just reach right on over and take what you want. You're lucky he loves you because if you messed with my tocino, there would be hell to pay!
You ask for his last bite.

First you eat off his plate, then when he only has one bite left you have the nerve to ask for it. You know that the last bite is the best!
You take too long to get ready.

This one isn't really your fault because men have no patience. Even if you don't take that long to get ready, he'll consider it eternity if you aren't ready by the time he is.
You use sex to get what you want.

If he does what you want you'll have sex with him, if he doesn't you're all like, "No way!" Sex is not a weapon, ladies.
You don't know how to take a compliment.

He compliments the way you look and you tell him he's crazy because you think you look like crap. It's like you just insulted him for finding you attractive. Just stop it!
You blame him for not being a mind reader.

You're upset, but what him to guess what's wrong. Sorry, but that's just impossible. Communicate and be clear about your feelings.
You bring up what should stay in the past.

Every time you have a disagreement you bring up things he did like a zillion years ago and use them against him. You've got to let go of past grievances at some point.
He can't do anything right.

You tell him over and over to help with the cleaning, then when he does you say he's doing it wrong. He can't win.