10 Signs you are WAY too jealous & need to chill

Jealousy in a relationship is natural at times, but let's not pretend like there aren't some women que se pasan. Are you one of those women? Click through these hilarious jealousy memes and if you identify with a lot of them, you might want to check yourself before you wreck yourself a perfectly good relationship by being an over the top celosa

Read more ¿Qué más?:  10 Signs he's being a cheating descarado

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You are jealous of his past relationships


"Ya lo pasado, pasado, no me interesa," as José José sings should be your motto. Focus on your relationship, the one he is in with you, not his past relationships.

You are a straight up stalker


It's cool if you are interested in what your loved one does and ask questions to find out about his life. It's not cool if you stalk him online, in person– or both– because you don't trust him, even though you have no reason not to trust him.

You accuse him of cheating for ridiculous reasons


You get jealous not because of anything he's actually doing. Seriously, you can't hold a man responsible for your subconcious.

You think his iPhone is a wePhone


Being in a relationship doesn't mean a man has to give up all his privacy. He's not your child, he's your partner.

You have to know where he is at all times


Does he have to account for every second of his time? Why? What's up with that? Are you his jail warden? How would you like it if the situation were reversed?

You instantly dislike any woman he knows


Any time he brings up a woman, you immediately bristle and decide you hate that woman. You give his mother a pass, but that's about it.

You can have male friends, but he better not have female friends

Iage via memecenter.com

You love your guy friends and don't see a problem with having them, but your fella is not allowed to have gal friends. Double standard much?

He's being polite, you think he's flirting


Part of why you were attracted to him in the first place is that he has great manners, but now that you are together he better not be polite to any ladies because you take that to mean something is going on between them.

You need him to CONSTANTLY reassure you


It is not his job to constantly reassure you. If you are feeling so insecure that you feel the need to bring up your relationship status and how he feels about you ALL the time, then it's time to work on you and your confidence level.

He can't enjoy himself on a boys' night out


Pobrecito, he can't have any female friends and when he goes out with his guy friends you are yankin' his chain the whole time: call, text, repeat. Chill. Let him have some fun with his pals.