I'd like to think I have a good sense of humor about things, but I'm not amused by fools who like to poke fun of people who are often subjected to systemic discrimination. Comedy and humor website Points in Case recently published images on how they feel Barbie should be updated for the 21st century and one of them includes "Illegal Immigrant" Barbie. Can you believe this crap? It's disgusting how offensive this doll is–it's not funny AT ALL!
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So what exactly does "Illegal Immigrant" Barbie look like, you ask? As stereotypical as they come. She's smoking while pregnant and pushing a supermarket cart filled with kids that look like they all have different fathers. She's carrying a wooden bucket filled with cigarettes, liquor and macaroni and cheese. Oh and did I mention all the booze at the bottom of the shopping cart? Seriously, what idiot came up with this?
I happen to have met quite a few undocumented immigrants in my time and none of them were irresponsible moms walking around with a baby bump and several packs of cigarettes. None of them looked like trailer trash or like they hadn't showered in days. What's even more offensive than the image itself is the caption:
Illegal immigrant Barbie is tethered to a bunch of children and comes with a compass and coyote. Her hair is unkempt and her cheeks lack the rosy glow of the 20th century Barbies. She is armed with wire cutters and sandwiches in tin foil. She clutches Ken's phone number in the event that she is detained by the Border Patrol.
Um, how is that funny? I'm definitely NOT laughing. So all undocumented workers cross the border to pop out a bunch of kids from different men and collect welfare? Yea, because that's hilarious and super original, right?
The part about popping tons of babies is an especially sensitive subject considering politicians like Republican Steve King refer to them as demeaning "anchor babies" –and even want to ban them from gaining American citizenship. But apparently some morons out there find this funny enough to design a Barbie around. My guess is the fools behind all this don't know squat about what these poor folks go through.
Images viaBarbie/Facebook,Pointincase.com