The prospect of delivering your own baby at home would freak most people out. But not Jon Jordan. The 34-year-old Californian was cool, calm and collected as a 911 emergency dispatcher walked him through the home delivery of his daughter, who wasn't due for two more weeks! The entire situation wasn't without its hiccups. The baby was premature, the cord was wrapped around her neck, and…was she even breathing?
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The entire situation can be heard via a 911 call made to the Orange County emergency dispatcher. On the call, you can hear Jon's wife Sarina screaming her head off as she realized the baby was crowning. You can also hear Jon's unwavering voice as emergency dispatcher Mishele Richards walked him through the entire delivery. It was pretty intense.
First of all, the birth was natural, meaning 34-year-old Sarina was in intense pain. Second, the birth wasn't without complications. Though Jon's voice never betrayed just how scary the situation was, things were getting really real, really fast. Upon guiding the baby's head out of the birth canal, Jon noticed the umbilical cord was wrapped around her little neck. Following the dispatcher's instructions, he gently removed it by lifting the cord up and off using a single finger. But they weren't in the clear yet. Jon calmly told the dispatcher the baby still wasn't crying, at which point he was instructed to wipe the baby down with another towel. He did. The baby cried. Heck, I cried listening to it cry. And yet Jon remained chill. Can we have a slow clap for this man?
Jon's cool, calm and collected demeanor throughout the entire harrowing ordeal has been applauded by many in the community, including the local Fire Department. "The dad did a phenomenal job staying calm and helping his wife safely deliver a healthy baby girl," said Capt. Steve Concialdi. He sure did. Jon delivered a healthy 7-pound 5-ounce baby girl, who the couple have since named Amalyn. She is the couple's second daughter.
I'm proud of Jon, and I don't even know the guy. I don't know many men who stick around to meet their kids, much less any who would be man enough to deliver their own babies. Jon was there for his family in more ways than one. Sarina and her daughters are lucky ladies.
Images via Thinkstock, The Jordan Family/ABC.com