Every so often, there comes along a love story so sweet, it renews your faith in romance. This is one of those stories. Rich and DeeDee Adams have been married for fifty years, however these two love birds have never actually laid eyes on each other. No, they're not in a long distance relationship; they live in the same home, and even run a business together. So, what's the deal? Well, you see, both Rich and DeeDee are blind. Though, they admit, that's never prevented them from seeing eye-to-eye.
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Rich and DeeDee's love story began like most do these days: long-distance. Rich was attending the Missouri School for the Blind, while DeeDee attended the Iowa School for the Blind. Though they knew of each other, Rich is the first to admit he never actually saw his romance with DeeDee coming. "I had said going into college, that I am never going to marry a blind girl," he explains in an interview with USA Today. But that all changed when he and DeeDee started corresponding and exchanging tape recordings. Before they knew it, they were smitten. "We were just able to just talk and talk and talk," DeeDee recalls. "We just are able to tell each other everything, and we're just best friends." They're also partners in life, as well as in businesses.
By day, DeeDee and Rich would go around helping visually impaired students gain access to large print books and "talking gadgets." By night, the parents of five would indulge in their favorite family pastime: reading bedtime stories to their children. Though none of their children are visually impaired, they all learned how to read braille–a skillset that has since been passed down to each of DeeDee and Rich's 17 grandchildren. How cute is that?
These two give me heart. They prove that love can last. Though they've never been able to so much as see each other's faces, DeeDee and Rich know–truly know–each other inside and out. Chalk that up to their stellar communication skills, as well as their sunny outlook on life. "We live one day at a time, and each day is a gift," Beams DeeDee. "Life's too short to be gloomy." I couldn't have said it any better myself.
Watch as they share their secrets to wedded bliss below:
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