Francesca Goodby of the United Kingdom is only 9 years old and this little girl has already helped deliver two babies. That's right! Both of the babies she has served as midwife to are her sisters. Two years ago, she helped her mother, 30-year-old Kay, deliver Roisin on the bathroom floor. More recently she helped deliver her sister Saoirse when Kay went into labor at home. Oh and don't think the delivery was without complications. It got complicated, but Francesca handled it like a pro.
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Kay is of course crazy proud of Francesca and says,
She was the calmest person in the house, she kept telling me to stay calm and helping me to breathe. And even when we realized the baby was being born the wrong way she was able to hold the head and keep her safe.
Michael, the dad in the family, was in another room watching Roisin when this all went down and talking to emergency services on the phone. When the actual midwives arrived they were quite impressed with how Francesca handled the situation.
This time around helping her mother give birth did not come as a surprise to Francesca. She says, "As soon as mummy said she was pregnant I was preparing just in case it happened again." Not only that but she also says, "It wasn't scary, I was excited and glad to help." This kid is all kinds of awesome sauce, no? Love her!
Honestly, I don't think I would have reacted as assuredly and calmly as this child did if I had to help someone deliver a child on the fly. I am beyond impressed.
In case you are wondering, Francesca has no plans of growing up to be a doctor or midwife. She wants to be an artist. I say she can moonlight as a midwife until she makes it big in the art world.
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