You know when you see something that is so beautiful it makes you burst into spontaneous tears? Well, I'm about to share something that beautiful with you and I'm actually still crying as I write because it's so touching. It's a video that I came across of a little boy holding his baby brother on his lap and singing to him. It might not seem like the sweetest thing in the world right now, but just wait.
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First of all the older brother really isn't very old at all. Maybe 5 years old and he's so cute with his hair neatly parted on the side. He's tenderly holding his baby brother on his lap and when he starts singing in that sweet little boy voice, "I like your eyes, I like your nose…" as he lovingly gazes at the baby, I have no doubt that every single angel in heaven stopped to listen. Oh yeah, it's that sweet.
And the song, the song is all about being one of a kind and how wonderful that is, which is perfect not only for the baby, but for the child singing this song because this kid is something special.
It's like witnessing the beginning of a beautiful loving relationship that will last a lifetime. What a wonderful way to welcome a sibling into your life!
This was shared on Facebook and someone wrote in the comments, "When they get in arguments when there older …they need to see this." I hope they do watch this video many times as they grow up because I'm sure they will fight, that's normal, but no one can ever take this beginning away from them. As cynical as I can be, I believe that the love this little boy is sharing for his baby brother in this video will forever be the truth of their relationship. I really do.
Now, grab a rag, you'll need it to wipe up your tears and mocos … then press play! Best thing you will see all day, I promise.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLAJWfwhgxg
Image via Facebook