Probably one of the best pieces of advice my mami ever gave me was, "Fake it 'til you make it, mama!" Those words have never steered me wrong. In my life so far, faking it has helped me land a few jobs, make new friends, and maintain my 12-year romance with the love of my life. How?
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Well, when you fake certain things (not everything), you're better able to tap into your true potential. But this isn't to say that you should be a fake person. No, not at all. Faking it isn't about duping others, it's about tricking yourself. It's about taking a leap outside of your comfort zone and seeing where it takes you. It's about discovering the real you.
The best thing about being fake is that it can garner you real results in just about any area of your life. But don't just take my word for it. Here are five different ways you can fake it 'til you make it!
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Happiness is just a grin away. Numerous studies have shown that smiling, even when you're feeling grumpy, releases feel good chemicals in your brain, which in turn make you feel happy. So go ahead and turn that frown upside down.

The fact of the matter is, many of us become complacent and even lazy when it comes to our relationships. That’s no bueno. If you want to stay together forever, you have to make an effort. So even if you’re not interested in Sunday night football or South Park, pretend that you are. You never know, you might actually learn to like it. And if you don’t, at least make it a point to ask your man about the things that he does like, and tell him that you’d like for him to do the same. However, if it begins to feel like you’re faking an interest in absolutely everything, from hobbies to sex, perhaps it’s time for you to get real about the status of your relationship, and possibly consider taking a real break.
Fashion and style

Try a new style on for a change, even if it feels a bit weird at first. Style evolution happens when you step out of your comfort zone, so go ahead and pretend you’re punk rock one day, and fake being preppy the next. Dabbling will help you get in touch with the ever evolving fashionista within.
Confidence at work

Having a negative view about yourself at work may cost you big time. Less confident women are less likely to ask for a raise or go for a higher paying job than their more confident counterparts. Make sense. What doesn't make sense, however, is that most of these negative Nellys are actually quite good at what they do. Sound like you?
The next time you feel yourself doubting your worth at work, take inventory of everything you've accomplished since joining the company. You'll see that you're actually quite good. And I'd even suggest taking things a step further: ask for more responsiblity or to take on a new project. In doing so, you'll allow yourself to conquer something new, which will in turn give you a major confidence boost.

I'm not suggesting that you be a fake friend. No! Those people suck. However, I would suggest treating new acquaintances like old friends. Make friendly conversation and inquire about their day. Follow up with them and show a genuine interest. You never know, one of your acquaintances may be your future best friend, but you won't know until you treat her like more than a stranger.