Family let their little girl be a boy & the story will leave you in tears

Goodness, I just watched the most beautiful video about the Whittington Family from San Diego. In the video the family shares their story and I have to say it is a beautiful love story, but maybe not the kind you would expect. It has to do with Hillary and Jeff Whittington's first child who was born a girl, but is now a boy. In 2007, the couple found out they were pregnant with their first child: a girl. They decorated the nursery accordingly. The baby arrived and they named her Ryland. About a year into Ryland's life, the family realized that Ryland was severely hearing impaired. They were heartbroken, but with the help of cochlear implants Ryland was able to hear and learn to speak.

A voice is a powerful thing and soon after learning to speak Ryland started saying in no uncertain terms that she was actually a boy and no, it wasn't a phase, it wasn't her being a tomboy, it was that Ryland is transgender.

Readmore ¿Qué más: Transgender Mexican fútbol player boldly defies stereotypes (VIDEO)

The Whittingtons did research and consulted experts and found out that around the ages of 3 to 5 years old, gender identity starts to emerge. Ryland was not only actively rejecting all things feminine, but saying things like, "When the family dies, I will cut my hair so I could be a boy," and asking, "Why did god make me like this?"

The Whittingtons came across research that 41 percent of transgender people have attempted suicide because of lack of social acceptance. They weren't willing to take that risk with their child, so they accepted their child's truth. They started referring to Ryland as he or him, they cut his hair, they bought him clothes that he could feel comfortable and they redecorated his room.

I'll tell you what, this is one unbelievably beautiful and inspirational family. I wholeheartedly thank them for sharing their story and I thank the heavens that Ryland was born to these parents because they love him, no strings attached and they accept him and they do not shame him and not only that, they are proud and I am so proud of them.

This is their story and it is one of the most beautiful love stories you will ever see:

*Image via YouTube*