A senior at a North Dakota high school was right in the middle of her graduation when she got the surprise of a lifetime: an appearance from her dad!
Taylor Crafton's father, Chris, was deployed to Cuba months prior to her graduation and didn't expect it back in time. The teen get hoping he would find a way to make it, but when the day of her ceremony finally came and nothing had changed, she resigned herself to the fact that they'd have to celebrate without him. Little did she know what–or, to be more exact, who–was waiting for her inside of the school!
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Knowing how sad the teen was about her dad not being there to witness her milestones, Taylor's family friend had made her a life-size cutout of her father to remind he was there in spirit. Taylor posed with the cutout in her prom dress and was ready to do the same in her cap and gown. But it turns out she didn't need to!
As she walked across the stage to her diploma, the announcer informed her that her dad was actually there in the auditorium. That's when her father comes running out from backstage in his military.
Their heartwarming reunion–from the priceless look on Taylor's face to the family's tears of joy–is all caught on tape and it's pretty much guaranteed to make you cry. I myself couldn't help but tear up watching it!
Check it out below. Just make sure you grab some tissues beforehand!
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Image via NewsNet5