You know people see Jesus all over the place, right? There have been sightings on burritos, crabs, dogs, you name it. I have a TOE-tally new Jesus apparition to tell you about. Last weekend, Paula Osuna of Silver City, New Mexico fell down the stairs something bad. Her foot was covered in bruises. Being a religious woman, she asked her fiancé to rub some holy dirt that she had saved from a pilgrimage to a shrine in Chimayo (also in New Mexico). She bandaged up the foot over the dirt and the next day when she took the bandage off, her family pointed out that one of her bruises had turned into the shape of Jesus! Holy apparitions! Wanna see?!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Virgin births are on the rise, but it's no miracle
I'll be honest I had to stare and stare before I could see Jesus on this lady's foot, but he is. I'm not sure I would have made the connection if someone else hadn't noticed the resemblance first, though. I mean, I was staring at that foot lookin' for Jesus, it's not like Jesus just popped out at me right away.
You can check out Paula Osuna's "Chimayo miracle" in this video and then please check out the gallery of 11 unbelievable religious apparitions below. Some of these sightings are really spot on if you ask me. –Additional reporting by Michelle Regalado (gallery)
Images via KRQE*
The Virgin Mary in a window

This lates sighting out of Malaysia has believers flocking to this Asian country to see what has appeared in a hospital window which looks like the Virgin Mary (and Jesus a few window down!).
Jesus on a toast

A North Carolina woman claimed she saw Jesus burnt on her toast!
Virgin Mary on a tree in West New York, NJ

Earlier this year, some said they saw the Virgin Mary in another tree bark in New Jersey.
Jesus on a crab

Last week, a Washington family reported seeing the image of Jesus on the back of this crab. Others commented that it also looked ilke Osama bin Laden!
Jesus in a tortilla

A New Mexico man was grilling up some tortillas on Lent when he saw the face of Jesus had been burnt into his food!
Jesus on a stingray

A South Carolina woman photographed this dead stingray after claiming she saw the picture of Jesus on it.
Jesus on a Walmart receipt

A couple in South Carolina said their Walmart receipt actually changed into a picture of Jesus.
Virgin Mary on Florida restaurant window

The picture of the Virgin Mary also apparently appeared in the window of a Florida diner.
Jesus on tree bark

Just a few weeks ago, a local man in Sleepy Hollow, NY photographed what he believes is an image of the Virgin Mary in the bark of a small tree–and since then, HUNDREDS of people have visited the spot to see it for themselves! Police estimated that on the first day it was spotted, approximately 300 people visited the tree, all wanting to touch, see, and take a picture with the image. Wow!
Jesus Burrito

Jesus kept popping up on tortillas! Hmm, could he be Latino?
Jesus on a dog

Lots of people did not appreciate the comparison made between this pug's butt and Jesus, but it's kind of hard not to see the resemblance.