Last week Make-A-Wish Foundation named 5-year-old Miles ScottBatkid for a day in San Francisco. The city turned into Gotham to make Scott's dream come true of living like his favorite superhero, Batman. Looks like Batkid's duties weren't over as he was recently called to save Mr. Worldwide, Pitbull!
This time Batkid ventured off to the heart of Gotham (New York City) to rescue the music sensation and you won't believe the mess he got himself into. What does Pitbull need saving from anyway? A stampede of women?!
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Scott, who is in remission after battling Leukemia, was visiting New York City for an appearance on Good Morning America when his heroic duties were suddenly needed. Pitbull was scheduled to perform on the morning show and needed rescuing when Batman's nemesis, the Joker and Penguin, locked him inside his dressing room!
You would think Batkid would take the day off from saving the world, but nope, he sprung into action with grown-up Batman to rescue Pitbull. Pitbull must have been so grateful when Batkid came and kicked Joker out of the way before breaking the chain blocking his door. Way to go Batkid!
Even Pitbull got a little superhero action in there knocking out Joker once he was freed. If it weren't for Batkid, Pitbull wouldn't have made it to the stage in time and many fans would be let down.
Hmm, I wonder where else this little caped crusader will strike next? I guess we'll have to wait and see what new adventures he takes us on! For now, check out the heroic rescue and how he managed to get Pitbull out of his dressing room in time!
Image via Good Morning America