Jessica Alba__, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Perhaps, I'm the last to jump on the Jessica Alba is awesome bandwagon, but better late than never. The more I learn about this beautiful actor, mom, author, entrepreneur, and eco-friendly business pioneer, the more I come to admire her.
The latest thing Alba did to make me fall in love with her is bravely declaring that mothers should stop judging each other. OMG, thank you, Jessica! Enough is enough, so just knock it off you mother judgers!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Dear Sanctimommies: Stop judging me! Thanks
Motherhood is hard enough without feeling like you're being judged by everyone out there and it's never ending. Just because Alba wrote The Honest Life, a guide to living green, don't expect her to give you the side eye if you're not living la vida eco.
Let's empower and support each other as mothers. Breast is best (for some), but for those who can't or don't choose breast, let's support their choice to provide the best nutrition for their child in their own way.
Let's not pretend that working mommies are better than stay-at-home mommies or the other way around.
Good lord ladies, if I don't want to pierce my daughters' ears quit acting like my Latina card is going to be revoked. They can go to the mall and get them pierced behind my back when they are teenagers.
I, like Jessica Alba, want to believe that most mothers are doing the very best that we can. My best might look nothing at all like your best, but that doesn't mean it's not good enough or even great. Let's lead by example and teach our children that being judgemental does not help anyone. The next time you as a mother feel judged or you catch yourself judging another mother, ask yourself: What would Jessica Alba do?
Image via Spash News