I'm not really a big football fan, but this Sunday I'm not going to miss the beginning of the Super Bowl, because the pre-game show will include a performance by the Sandy Hook Elementary School chorus. Made up of 20 kids and 6 teachers–to represent each of the 26 victims–the chorus is going to sing "America the Beautiful"–and I'm sure it's going to be a truly beautiful and special moment.
It's been only seven weeks since that horrible school massacre where 26 people–20 kindergarten kids and 6 teachers–lost their lives. I think this is a great way to honor their memories.
The students and their relatives traveled to New Orleans yesterday, where they're prepping to sing with Jennifer Hudson right before Alicia Keys performs the National Anthem. Hudson, who has also lost close family to gun violence, said she was honored and blessed to be able to sing with the Sandy Hook children.
Read more ¿Qué Más?: Victor Cruz honors Sandy Hook victim with special tribute
The Super Bowl is an amazing stage for these kids from Sandy Hook, since this game is seen by millions of people. I hope that it also serves as a remembrance about the horrific tragedy and that the Sandy Hook shooting cannot be forgotten before significant changes in gun controls laws are implemented in this country.
We have to put an end to the wave of violence that's gripping this country and seems to kill or injure innocent people every single day. I feel like no day goes by without having to hear the news that there was another school shooting or that someone with access to a gun lost it and killed his entire family. Enough is enough!
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