Our favorite sayings from our abuelas and mamis! (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Growing up in a typical Latin culture, there were certain Spanish catchphrases that my mom always used to say to me. Even now, she still pretty much has a saying for every subject under the sun– most of which were learned from her mom (my abuela) and are now commonly used amongst our relatives.

And I'm not the only one with this experience! Here at MamásLatinas, it seems like we're constantly quoting our relatives, particularly our moms and abuelas (hey, as much as I didn't want to admit it back then, they really do know what they're talking about!). So this week on MamásLatinas Knows Best , we are sharing our favorite refranes that have been passed on to us from the females in our family. Enjoy! 

Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2-_shtU5RE&feature=youtu.be

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