Twenty strangers rushed to the help of a grandmother and her two toddler grandkids after they were hit by a 77-year-old driver backing up on a street in Brooklyn, New York.__
It was just another day for Elizabeth Castillo and 3-year-old Tyrese and 17-month-old Tashia, who were both in strollers, when the driver lost control of the car. Bystanders saw "the carriages go straight underneath," said witness Kim Miller and about 20 good samaritans got together to lift the car and drag everyone out.
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I have to say, I am SUPER impressed by all of the people that came to this abuelita's rescue. According to the family, grandmother Elizabeth suffered a broken collarbone and Tashia had a broken arm. Both children had cuts and all three of the stuck-under-the-car crew are now stable and recovering in Bellevue Hospital.
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According to NBC News, Tashia's father saw the neighbors' rescue in a video later on and was touched just as touched by the heroism as I was, telling NBC 4 New York "I love them for doing that."
Of course, there's still the question of what will happen to the licensed driver to accidentally drove over this grandmother and her two grandkids. In the meantime, though, I am really impressed by all of the people that rushed to this Latina's help and the happy outcome that came of it.
Image via NBCNews