Although I went straight from high school to college, just like both of my parents did, I opted not to get an advanced degree after that. Honestly, I wasn't sure that I needed one–although my two Master's Degree-holding parents didn't necessarily agree with that sentiment.
Luckily for me, though, it's never too late to finish your education, something that inspiring Latina mom Glamis Haro is proving to be true.
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Glamis went back for her Master's Degree recently and was able to finally complete her education at age 50, proving to all of us that it's never too late. The busy mom now works at Union Settlement Credit Union in Spanish Harlem, New York, where she spends her time helping the community understand the importance of managing your money wisely.
As someone who's never been too great at financial matters, I'm really inspired by her dedication to helping people set smart financial goals. I can understand where her passion comes from, too. After coming to the U.S. from Ecuador as a tween, her family had problems and she had to become a father and a mother figure to all of her siblings. Ever since, she has made it her mission to get an education to better provide for her family—and she really, truly has accomplished her goal.
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I'm always inspired by anyone who not only suffers hardships and comes out of them, but also uses them to propel her forward another 10 steps. Taking care of her family and using that love to take care of her community, all while earning her Master's Degree, is truly inspirational.
Did you ever go back to school later on? What do you think of this inspiring Latina mom? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Glamis Haro/facebook