Listen up young'uns, once upon a not-so-long ago time, if you wanted help working out from a trainer, you had to pay big bucks. Not only did you have to shell out big money, you also had to set up a schedule, and if you missed a session, you might have to eat the cost. Nowadays, you can access all kinds of workouts and advice from fitness influencers online for FREE so that you can work out at home at your own convenience. The hardest part is figuring out which fitness influencer to follow, but we've made that easy for you because we're about to share some of our favorite Latina fitness influencers for you to follow on Instagram.
More from MamásLatinas: All the times Thalía inspired us to work out
We've gathered some great videos from each of the Latina fitness influencers we're highlighting so you can get a taste of the kind of content they are offering. Be warned that you might want to change into workout clothes right now because these workouts are so accessible, quick, and easy to do at home that you might be motivated to try one out immediately. You'll see.
Oh, and if you're worried that you are going to need all kinds of special equipment to follow along, don't be. Some of the workouts do feature equipment that you might not already own, but most of them don't, or can be modified to work without special equipment. One even features a kitchen towel as the needed equipment. You know you have a towel you can use. OK, mujeres, it's time to be inspired by these strong, wonderful Latinas that want to help you build your own strength.
A great core blasting workout courtesy of Idalis Velazquez.
Idalis Velazquez lives in Florida and is the proud mamá of three girls. She specializes in quick get-the-job-done workouts to do at home. This particular workout requires equipment that we all have–a towel! It's made up of 11 moves that Idalis describes as:
1. Pushing Climbers + Plank Towel Drag
2. Reverse Lunge + Rotation
3. 3 Climbers to Lateral Leg Extension
4. Russian Twist to V- Towel Under and Over
5. Bear Taps to Pike
6. Runners Lunge
7. Back Extensions
8. Squat with Slides
9. Plank Towel Circles + Knee Tuck
10. Side Plank + Leg Swipes
11. Bridge + Hamstring Curl* Aim to complete 10-20 reps of each. *
Don't know what to do with a mini band?
Let Idalis Velazquez guide you through a "full body blast" that includes, which she breaks down in the description as:
1. 2 Plank Jacks to Lateral Squat Step
2. Single Leg Hip Bridge with Knee Drive
3. RDL
4. Walkout to Extended Plank (5 Second Hold )
5. Kneeling External Rotations
6. Kneeling Shoulder Presses
7. Reverse Crunches
8. Plank to Knee to Elbow and Knee In
9. In and Out Quick Feet + Squat Jacks
10. Bear Crawl to Quad Taps
11. Lunge Hold + Tricep Press
12. Squat Lateral Steps to Squat Jacks
Destress with this 15-minute Vinyasa flow led by Lorraine C. Ladish.
Lorraine Ladish’s handle on Instagram is @theflawedyogini. She is a digital content creator, entrepreneur, bilingual writer, mother, wife, and fitness enthusiast. Basically, she’s a modern-day Renaissance woman who knows “It’s never too early or too late to start.” In this workout video, she guides you through a 15-minute destressing flow and offers modifications for some of the poses.
Strengthen your core with this brief Pilates core routine.
A strong core is important for everybody–every single body can benefit from strengthening the core. In this short workout, Lorraine C. Ladish of @theflawedyogini reminds you to go at your own pace. It’s always about listening to your body.
Get your lunges on with Michelle Lewin.
Meet Michelle Lewin. She is originally from Venezuela and is now living in Florida. Her goal is to help you reach your goals. In this video she gives you the following recommendations for lunges, which we can all do at home: "Normally I would recommend 30 repetition (equals 15 steps per leg) and 4 sets. However, if you hold dumbbells in your hands, you can lower the amount of repetitions to 20 (10 steps per leg)."
Want killer triceps?
Check out these four moves as presented and explained by Michelle Lewin:
- Triceps pushdowns -Excellent to start with. Do 3 or 4 warm-up sets before you go all in. After the workout sets, I recommend 12 reps / 4 sets.
- Reversed one arm pull down. 10 reps / 4 sets
- Skull crushers with EZ bar: -Slow and controlled movements. Touch gently, or almost touch, your forehead with the bar. Keep your arms slightly forward to maintain tension even when fully extended. 10 reps / 4 sets.
- Keep you[r] elbows as close as possible, it's easy to push them out, but try to avoid that. Go down so your upper arm is parallel to the floor, and push yourself all the way up. Stay in upper position for one second. 10-15 reps / 4 sets. If you add a weight on your thighs, do less reps: 8-10.
Hit a good HIIT routine with Massy Arias.
Massiel “Massy” Indhira Arias moved to the US from the Dominican Republic when she was 14 years old. She’s currently based in Los Angeles, California. She’s a mom, health coach, and motivational speaker. You can find her on Instagram at @massy.arias, where she shares workouts like this high intensity interval training routine that you can customize to your level.
Want a six-pack?
Massy Arias breaks down how you can strengthen your core and gives you this “homework” to do for two weeks:
Isometric forearm/high plank: 3 times a week.
- Start with 3 sets of 30s holds.
- Work up to 40s.
- Work up to 1 minute.
Forearm plank key points:
- Draw straight line from shoulder to elbow, and elbow to wrist. Keeping elbows in, while maintaining same distance between wrists.
- Tuck hips under, then push away from the floor with your forearms.
High plank:
- Draw straight line from shoulder to wrist.
- Tuck hips under, while pushing away from the floor with the heels of your palms.
Side plank:
- Straight line from shoulder to elbow.
- Stagger top leg on top of bottom leg.
- Hips parallel to the ground as you push away from the floor with your forearm.
Want to cinch your waist without a faja?
That’s pretty much what Lyzabeth Lopez’s specialty. She is the creator of the Hourglass Workout that is designed to help you achieve an hourglass kind of figure. You can find her on Instagram at @lyzabethlopez, where she’ll guide you through waist-cinching exercises like this “deadbug” one, which can be done with or without an exercise ball.
Learn how to do a proper table top.
Not to be mistaken with setting a table top, this exercise is part of Lyzabeth Lopez’s waist cinching series. Here are some tips that she wants you to keep in mind:
- The entire movement should come from the "powerhouse" aka the core, nothing should come from momentum.⠀
- Maintain a neutral spine.⠀
- As you exhale zip up your core including Kegels). ⠀
- The knees should remain above the hips but slightly away from the body to engage the core and the shins should be parallel to the floor.
Get fit with Isabella Russo.
Isabella Russo is originally from Brazil and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Her workouts are in Portuguese, but they are easy to follow even if you don’t speak the language. For example, in this video she shows you how to do four strength training exercises that will take 10 minutes to do. You can find her on Instagram @isabellarusso.
Do four rounds of these four moves.
Isabella Russo shows you four movements in this video: hollow rocks, squats with jumps, Supermans, and mountain climbers. You are supposed to do one minute of each and four rounds of the entire set for a total of 16 minutes. Once you learn the exercises, you can do them at any time without having to watch this video.
Let Maria Blacutt help you get stronger.
She goes by @strongmariastrong on Instagram and she reaches “people how to be lean, fit and strong at any age.” She happens to be over 50 years old and leads by example. In this video she shows you how to get a booty like hers and she has a very nice booty just sayin’.
Use the weight of your body to your advantage.
“Body weight exercises may seem easy, but can be very hard. Each body weight exercise has ways to make them easier and progressively more difficult as you advance in your fitness,” writes @strongmariastrong in the caption for this video. Pushups are great example of exercises that use your body weight to increase your strength.
Need inspiration to get your started?
Follow Ana Delia De Iturrondo @anadeliafitness for reminders that there are no shortcuts. In this video the Puerto Rican fitness trainer shows you just how much work she puts in so that you don’t assume that she just wakes up like this. Nope, she wakes up and works hard.
This might make you want to invest in a battle rope.
If you don’t have one, it’s OK because Ana Delia writes, “if you don’t have any of these equipment at home you can substitute the ‘Kettlebell’ with a ‘Dumbbell’ or ‘Back pack’ and instead of the ‘Battle Rope’ just do regular ‘Jump Ropes’ or anything that accelerates your heart rate.”
Hilaria Baldwin is always serving up exercise you can do at home.
Yogini, mamá, and Alec Baldwin's better half, Hilaria Baldwin can be found on Instagram @hilariabaldwin. Aside from posting cute family pics, Hilaria is always demonstrating moves that you can do at home throughout your day. Sometimes, like in this video, Alec or parts of his body make cameos.
Checkout this kitchen barre routine that you can do while waiting for water to boil.
Hilaria tags these kinds of exercises #foundmomentworkouts because she knows first-hand that moms don’t always have time for a full workout. Instead of beating yourself up for not being able to carve out big chunks of time to work out, she encourages you to find moments that you can use to work out for a tiny bit at a time.
Fabiana Ferrarini knows how to work out even if you have a baby at home.
Sure, she’s a fitness trainer with celebrity parents, but what makes her relatable to us is that she’s a mom and knows how hard it is to exercise when you have babies or young children. Watching her use her time to get fit and bond with her baby in this video she posted on her Instagram account @fabiana_ferrarini makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Did you know you can use your baby to help you get a stronger booty?
Fabiana Ferrarini shows you how in this video. She also shares why having a strong booty isn’t just about looking better in jeans. “Did you know that lower back pain is a sign of WEAK GLUTES?” she writes. Back pain is to be avoided at all costs.