As summer comes to a close, we're sure that with all those BBQs and yummy hot-weather drinks, what you probably need most of all right about now is some detox in your life. Even if you're one of those women who try to stay healthy through summer, the benefits of taking some time to clean your system and eat clean for some time go beyond just losing weight or dropping pounds. As fall starts, it's a great way to reboot your system. Just think that soon, the holiday food fest will be here (Guadalupe-Reyes Marathon anyone?).
tanta hallaca, pan de jamón, champurrado, coquito, rompope y ponche crema, te lo juro que lo único que quiero es un detox para comenzar el 2016 como nueva. Por eso me propuse tomar un día para desintoxicarme tomando este licuado verde. Aquí te cuento cómo lo preparé.
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Although we're not fans of those detox methods that have you trapped in the bathroom every half hour and leave you weak and hungry, it's not a bad idea to take a day or a few days of consuming just fruit, veggies and no processed foods. Let's start with this delicious green smoothie that you're going to love. Check out this video to see how it's done and we'll share the recipe and details below:
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAxSd7oCxbc/
Here are the ingredients and the details:
1 peeled orange, cut into 8 slidces
1 slice of pineapple, diced
1 plantain
1 cup baby kale
1 tbsp. chia seeds
To blend all ingredients together, just add 1/2 cup of water. You can add ice if you want to. Enjoy!
As with any diet regimens and before you start a multi-day detox, please consult with your doctor to make sure it's safe.
Video and recipe courtesy of Enriqueta Lemoine.