I'm going to get really real right now. Like a lot of women, I constantly struggle with constipation. It's not fun, it's not cute, and it's certainly not comfortable. It's such a struggle, but fortunately there are many fiber-heavy superfoods out there that will keep you healthy and support a peaceful poop life because let's be honest: Nothing feels worse than when you're seriously backed up!
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When it comes to a healthy digestive system, aside from probiotics, fiber really is key. It not only makes you feel fuller longer, but it gets those bowel movements moving. Fiber, in general, is just great for you too. It lowers cholesterol, supports a healthy colon, and just so much more. Best part is: fiber filled foods taste good, too.
We're no longer talking prunes (which leave you seriously bloated). A lot of these foods are actually really delicious like quinoa, avocado, guava, beans, jicama–you know, all that yummy stuff Latinos already eat. Here's a look at a few high-fiber foods to incorporate in your diet ASAP!
Black beans aren’t just good, they’re SO good for you.

I’m Latina, so of course, I love and already eat black beans. But it’s good to know that this stuff is also loaded with fiber. According to Women’s Health, one cup of cooked beans already has 15 grams of fiber. Not bad, right? Have it with brown rice, in a chili or salad, or alone as a black bean soup.
You should be eating lentils on the regular.

I make lentil soup at least twice a month because one cup of lentils is loaded with 15.6 grams of fiber. They are also a great source of protein and perfect for the non-meat eaters.
Split peas are a digestive miracle workers.

This low-calorie legume is loaded with fiber and also helps slow down sugar absorption, lower high blood pressure, as well as improve heart health. In other words, you should be eating this more often. Incorporate split pea soup in your meal planning.
Guava isn’t just delicious.

If you’re Latino, chances are you grew up eating guava but did you know that this tropical is filled with fiber? That’s right, according to Style Craze, one cup contains 9 grams of fiber. Because it’s an antibacterial agent it’s also great for soothing your stomach and relieving it from tummy problems.
Avocado helps you poop.

So, we already knew that avocados were good for us. But it’s exciting to know that they are also a great fiber source. An entire avocado contains close to 10 grams of fiber. Have it in your morning green smoothies as a good way to get you regular.
Jicama is a Mexican fiber food.

This bulbous root vegetable is especially popular with Mexicans and Central Americans. It’s low calorie and loaded with water, vitamin c, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Not sure how to eat it? Slice them up and sprinkle some Tajin for a delicious afternoon snack.
Quinoa is magic.

This protein-rich food is also loaded with amino acids and fiber. In fact, according to Forbes, it contains almost twice as much fiber as most grains. How amazing is that? Have a veggie quinoa filled with butternut squash and cauliflower.
Chia does it all.

This edible seed that’s grown in Mexico, is filled with fiber, antioxidants, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and calcium. Add it to your smoothies, smoothie bowls, and oatmeal breakfast bowls.
Flax seeds are just as beneficial.

Like chia seeds, flax seeds also contain high levels of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. For a nice dose of fiber, add flax seeds and chia seeds to a green smoothie.
Pears are still good for you.

You probably grew up hearing that fibers were great for constipation. Well, it wasn’t myth. They actually are. One alone contains close to 6 grams of fiber. Eat it alone or incorporate into your salads.
Raspberries have so much fiber it’s hard to believe.

Believe it or not, one cup of raspberries is loaded with 8 grams of fiber. That’s a lot! Have them as a snack, add them to your morning oatmeal or lunch salad.
Blackberries are also pretty mind-blowing in this department.

Like raspberries, one cup contains close to 8 grams of fiber. Snack on a fresh cup full of this delicious fruit to bring up your fiber intake.
Oatmeal won’t fail you.

They contain a number of health benefits but their soluble fiber is especially impressive. One cooked cup contains 4 to 5 grams. Have this superfood for breakfast with coconut milk, blackberries, raspberries, chia seeds, and flax seeds.
Papaya is beyond amazing.

I grew up drinking papaya shakes and smoothies. My mom would make them whenever we felt backed up because they contain high levels of fiber and also improve digestion. Have it in a delicious smoothie as a good start to your day.
You should just always be eating broccoli.

Just one cup of boiled broccoli contains 5 grams of fiber. Add it to your stir-frys or rice bowls.
Barley is such a healthy grain.

It’s filled with soluble fibers, protein, zinc, and vitamin B. Make a barley poortidge with mushrooms as a delicious meat-less meal.
Lima beans don’t get enough love.

According to Greatist, lima beans contains 13.2 grams of fiber per cup. They also taste delicious in soups and stews.
Edamame is loaded with good stuff.

A half cup serving of shelled edamame contains 9 grams of fiber, 11 grams of protein, and only 120 calories. That’s amazing!
Brussels sprouts have so much nutritional value.

Roasted Brussels sprouts are straight up delicious but they are also low in fat, high in fiber, and loaded with vitamin A and C.
We now have another reason to enjoy artichokes.

I would have never guessed that artichokes were packed with fiber but one medium sized artichoke contains around 10 grams of fiber. Can you believe that? Try having them roasted.