If you want to improve your health and lose a few pounds at the same time, the 5×5 diet could work for you. This regimen was created by Dr. Ludwig Johnson, speaker and author of the books Stop Diabetes in 14 Days, Fatness Isn't Your Fault, Your Endocrine in 1 Minute, and Diabetes. The Venezuelan doctor does not believe in conventional medicine and believes that we can cure ourselves by eating the right foods, including carrots, and by consuming certain natural supplements.
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Johnson believes that all people have parasites and that they are the cause of the diseases we suffer from and can they can also cause fatigue, depression, and panic attacks. The first thing he suggests doing is to cleanse our system with the help of carrots. In order to accomplish this cleansing, he recommends drinking carrot juice for five days, and avoiding certain foods. We’ve got more details for you here, but remember to consult a doctor before starting any diet.
The advice on MamasLatinas.com is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.
Why do the 5x5?
In this video, Johnson explains very clearly that all human beings have parasites, no matter how well we take care of ourselves. Sometimes, he says the parasites cannot be detected and they end up doing us a lot of harm. He also says carrots are perfect for eliminating them.
What do parasites do to us?
Johnson asks his patients if they have fatigue, arthritis, pain, abdominal inflammation, fibromyalgia, depression, panic attacks, dermatitis, or autoimmune diseases. If the answer is yes, he says they need to clean their intestines and to do so they must do the 5×5.
The basis of this detox diet is to drink carrot juice.
Johnson believes that to carry out the 5×5 diet, you need to drink carrot juice five times a day for five days and you have to make sure that it is fresh carrot juice. That means you will need to juice the carrots yourself.
How do you do the 5x5?
Drink five 8-ounce glasses of carrot juice spread throughout the day or drink them all at once. The goal is to drink 40 ounces total each day for five consecutive days. Yes, that's a lot of carrot juice, but it's only for five days.
Three days before starting the 5x5, you have to eliminate certain foods.

Johnson explains that three days before starting the 5×5 you have to avoid certain foods, such as grains. That means no bread is allowed before and during your carrot juice fast. That might be harder to do than drinking so much carrot juice.
You also need to cut out dairy products.

Three days before starting the 5×5, all dairy products must also be eliminated from your diet. So, no cheese, milk, cream, or cottage cheese three days before and during the five days of the carrot juice detox.
Seeds and legumes are prohibited.

As with grains and dairy, seeds and legumes are a no-no three days prior to the detox and during the five days that the 5×5 lasts. You’ll have to say goodbye to beans and nuts for eight days total.
During the 5x5, these foods remain prohibited.

It’s important to remember that dairy products, grains, cereals, and legumes have to be eliminated from your diet three days prior to starting the 5×5 and that they remain prohibited for the five days that you drink five glasses of fresh carrot juice.
What can you eat while doing the 5x5?

During the five days of the 5×5, you can eat meat. You can have chicken, beef, pork, game, or any other type of meat. There are no restrictions on eating animal protein while drinking the carrot juice.
Fish is also allowed.

"You can eat all the animals that run, swim, fly or crawl," explains Johnson in one of the videos where he gives the guidelines to follow the 5×5. That's a lot of options when it comes to animal protein.
All tubers are allowed.

Potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, carrots, and all other tubers are allowed during this diet that lasts five days and promises to relieve various ailments and bring more health to the body. It’s good to know your options as well as your restrictions.
Greens and most veggies are welcome.

Almost all green vegetables are also allowed on this diet, "all plants," explains Johnson. So veggie lovers can easily continue to eat their favorites while on the 5×5 diet that promises so many positive changes.
Fruits are also allowed.

Johnson points out that during the days of the 5×5, fruit must be consumed and he highlights bananas as well as avocado. These fruits are in addition to the other foods that can be consumed, plus the carrot juice.
Carrots have many health benefits.
Among the benefits of carrots are that they improve the immune system, are a great source of vitamins, and help "detoxify" the body. That’s what makes them the stars of the 5×5. They contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; biotin, which is good for hair and nails; as well as potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.
Johnson recommends supplementing the 5x5 with various vitamins.
Among the products Johnson recommends while doing the 5×5 is Ormux, "a powdered supplement whose novel ingredient, milk thistle extract (sylimarin/silibinin) has been scientifically proven to prevent diseases of age, guaranteeing much better results than conventional supplements thanks to its liposomal formula", he explains on his website.
In addition, he assures that "Ormux is ideal for those with or without fibromyalgia, fatigue, arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuropathy, diabetes, depression, memory loss, panic attacks, anxiety, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, SIBO, irritable bowel and for those who want to boost the immune system and repair muscle wasting from physical activity." The product, he claims, should be taken every 12 hours
Who is Dr. Ludwig Johnson?
According to his website: "Dr. Ludwig Johnson is the creator of the DIABETES TYPE 2 REVERSAL PROTOCOL that bears his name, an International Speaker and Author of several best sellers: Stop Diabetes in 14 Days, Fatness Is Not Your Fault, Your Endocrine in 1 Minute and Diabetes: How To Avoid It if You Don’t Want It and Reverse It if You Already Have It.
"A medical school graduate from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), he discovered early on in his career the incompatibility between the Medical Academies’ guidelines and the results from his patients with type 2 diabetes.
"He soon abandoned the kind of treatment that failed to produce the desired results and formed part of a group of researchers and doctors who share scientific studies that contradict the status quo and show the 'miraculous' response in those who are willing to follow his advice.
"From that moment on, and so far without understanding fully the hidden interests behind this discrepancy, Johnson began to communicate what were to be the beginnings of his current protocols," reads the bio on his website.
*Descargo de responsabilidad: Los consejos sobre MamásLatinas.com no sustituyen la consulta con un profesional médico o el tratamiento para una condición específica. No debes usar esta información para diagnosticar o tratar un problema de salud sin consultar a un profesional calificado. Por favor contacta a tu médico si tienes preguntas o alguna preocupación.