Guava: 4 ways this fruit can help you lose ALL the weight

Though the guava is just a small, fist-sized fruit, it offers big impact on your health–particularly if you're looking to lose weight. Grown in Mexico, Central America and South America, this tropical fruit comes in green, yellow and maroon colors, and delivers a delicious, sweet taste that can't be beat. It's great in baked goods, as a jam or jelly, or just on its own. Actually, this is the best way to take advantage of all of its weight loss properties.

But taste aside, the most important part of the guava is the health benefits it offers. This superfruit is downright packed full of nutrients, offering up four times more vitamin C than an orange! Plus, it can actually help you lose weight faster. Don't believe me? Let's look at the guava further.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Guarana: 8 ways this fruit is the KEY to your weight loss & health

There are a dozen reasons why eating guava can help boost your weight loss results, the primary one being its high fiber content. This fiber helps you feel fuller longer, and it helps clear your intestines and digestive system of waste and toxins.

Guava can also help with weight loss because:

It's low in calories: When you're looking to lose weight, consuming low-calorie, high-energy foods is crucial to your efforts. Guava is one such food. With just 52 calories, but tons of fiber, vitamins and minerals, this tiny fruit is filling, satisfying and just plain good for you.

It's high in vitamin C: Guavas a chock full of vitamin C, giving you about three times the daily recommended value. Vitamin C cuts down on inflammation, which could be causing bloating and perceived weight gain, and it helps strengthen your organs, blood vessels and bones.

It's a low-glycemic food: One guava has a glycemic index of just 20–a number very low on the scale. This means it has a very small effect on your blood sugar levels and it won't cause them to spike or drop drastically. And since spiking blood sugar levels often lead to unwanted cravings, this can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

It can fight off hypothyroidism: Many people gain weight because of thyroid issues, particularly hypothyroidism, which means the thyroid isn't as active as it should be. As hypothyroidism is often caused by low copper and zinc levels, guavas are a great solution. Offering healthy servings of both copper and zinc, guavas can help correct thyroid activity and encourage a healthy metabolism.

In addition to aiding weight loss efforts, guavas have other health benefits, too. They can help with skin problems, regulate heart function, boost immunity, fight off aging, treat constipation, improve vision and even prevent cancer and tumor growth in some people. It also has relaxing properties, which can calm your nerves and help stave off stress and anxiety.

So add guavas to your diet today! Whether you're trying to lose weight or not, guavas can be a great addition. They can improve your overall health, ensure properly functioning organs and systems, and help you slim down easily and more quickly.

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