Yes she can! Rosie Rivera's weight loss is pretty remarkable and definitely makes me question skipping the gym so much. The little sister of Diva de la Banda Jenni Rivera dropped more than 20 pounds with fitness trainer Alejandro Chaban's diet, the same fitness coach that Chiquis Rivera used to drop nearly 30 pounds last year. Rosie managed to drop the weight in just four months! She really looks incredible. I love that she looks fit and tone, but still has her curves. The best part is that she's spilling her fitness secrets!
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Rosie revealed to People en Español that her diet consists of more vegetables, proteins and lots of water. Healthy eating is a huge part of dropping the pounds. "Now I have more energy to play with my daughters and my relationship with my husband has grown because I believe him when he calls me beautiful now. I feel like I've won a battle." Wow! Making this kind of transformation always runs more than skin deep.
Her little girl Sammy is only 18 months and Rosie has dropped the baby weight and then some! She looks amazing and the best part is that she has done it naturally. Rosie admits that she resorted to crazy diets and got plastic surgery in the past, but the results were not longlasting. It really comes down to diet and exercise. Dedication and motivation is also very important!
Rosie went through a lot in her life. She was molested by Chiquis Rivera's father at an early age and resorted to emotional eating to hide her depression. Her experience is so relatable. Now that she has a healthy connection with food and makes time to exercise, Rosie serves as an inspiration to so many women.
"I'm not a size two, but I don't have to be. Now I'm a healthier and better me. I'm a winner. My self esteem doesn't come from a pant size," she said. That is seriously her best quote ever! I know I definitely get down on myself when I feel heavier than normal, but my size doesn't define me. Now I just have to get on Chaban's diet plan so I can look as good as Rosie–the healthy way!
Images via Rosie Rivera/Instagram