Although native to Mexico, chayote is now found in the entire world. Its unique and refreshing flavor is a cross between cucumber and apple. Because of its subtle flavor, they can nicely blend into any dish. You can even eat them raw in salad.
Nutritionally, chayote holds numerous benefits that everyone should take advantage of. For anyone who wants to get healthy, chayote can help you do that by nourishing your cells, organs, muscles and tissue with essential macronutrients, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. Furthermore, chayote can help you reach your weight goals faster.
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Here are six ways chayote is essential for weight loss and good health:
1. Rich in fiber: There are 4.5 grams of fiber in just one chayote. Since dietary fiber can't be digested by our system, it adds bulk to stool. It helps food travel through our intestines quickly and smoothly. The soluble fiber in chayotes mixes with water to form a gel-like consistency, reduces the speed of digestion, which in turn keeps you full for a longer period of time. This also results in weight loss. Additionally, this fiber helps reduce the risk of diverticulitis, which occurs when little pockets form in the lining of our colon. Furthermore, it will give you relief from constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Stabilizes blood sugar: The fiber content in chayotes lowers blood sugar levels. Specifically, soluble fiber slows down the breakdown of carbs which then gradually gets absorbed into our blood stream, increasing our sugar level at a steadier pace. This prevents the attack of hunger pangs by hindering the abrupt rise and fall of the blood sugar.
3. Fights anemia: Anemia can cause severe fatigue. Because of the low levels of the protein hemoglobin in our blood stream, not enough oxygen gets transported to our tissues. Because of this, you may feel exhausted and lethargic, and you might suddenly find yourself becoming a "couch potato." Chayote is packed with both iron and vitamin B2, both of which boost the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B2 is necessary to stimulate the movement of stored iron into our cells. Chayote also contains folate which is required for the synthesis and maturation of healthy red blood cells. Chayote keeps your body energetic by keeping it well oxygenated. This is very important to make sure you can endure a good workout.
4. Contains a good amount of Vitamin C: Just half a cup of chayote gives you 17 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. This antioxidant not only strengthens your immune system, but it also helps heal your muscles after a strenuous workout session. The vitamin also helps metabolize protein, which burns a lot of calories. A deficiency in vitamin C can result in a slowed metabolism, which in turn causes weight gain.
5. Strengthens our heart: Chayote contains many minerals and vitamins good for our heart. Some of these include folate, potassium and magnesium. Folate helps prevent the thickening of our arterial lining by reducing the excess amount a substance that makes plaque build up inside of your arteries. Both potassium and magnesium are shown to help with high blood pressure. They suppress the formation of clots and prevent arrhythmia. The zinc, iron and fiber in chayotes further shields our heart from heart disorders.
6. Keeps your thyroid healthy: An under-functioning thyroid will cause weight gain. Chayote contains zinc, which helps regulate hormones that rule over the thyroid. Copper in the veggie stimulates our thyroid and help it function properly. If your thyroid isn't working right, it will result in you feeling exhausted, depressed, anxious, really hungry and unfocused all the time.
Chayote is very low in calories has no bad fat or cholesterol–a combination that makes it perfect for weight loss. Eating foods like chayote is the easiest way to a stronger and beautiful body. Some quick tips: Make sure to avoid buying large chayotes because they might be overripe and the taste will be unpleasant. Chayotes are very versatile, and can be boiled, baked and grilled. The leaves contain powerful diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which you can boil and drink as tea.
This post was originally published on January 8, 2015.
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