This may be one of the healthiest drinks you could pour for yourself. Lemon and baking soda is a miracle combination that helps promote tons of health benefits including reducing heart burn and blood pressure. Thanks to being packed with vitamin C, therapeutic properties, minerals and nutrients, lemons are considered a health purifier. Drink to your health with this simple and healthy recipe.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 9 Health benefits of drinking lemon water
Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice with half a teaspoon of baking soda and 8 oz of water. Drink this mixture four times a day for the ultimate health result. Since lemons have a strong antimicrobal effect on surfaces, the same is the case for your body's health.
Lemons can also help destroy carcinogenic cells found in 12 different types of cancers. It helps prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Of course, it won't cure it or cure the side effects of chemo, but it's a natural addition that could help with preventive measures.
Dr. Mark Sircus has studied the benefits of this combination and explains:
The best way to be sure that lemons are organic without any chemicals used is to grow this fruit in your own garden or in a pot. Organic lemons are 100 times more efficient than lemons cultivated with chemical fertilizers and treated with chemicals.
Additional benefits include: Heartburn, regulates blood pressure, natural anti-depressant, reduces the risk of cancer and fungal infections.
This is definitely worth a taste! The "apple a day" saying may soon get replaced with "a lemon a day."
Image via Corbis