A healthy body starts with a clean foundation. Detoxification gives you just that: a clean system that is ready to absorb powerful nutrients from foods and eradicate cancerous and disease-causing compounds. Here we give you 12 food items that cleanse your system, boost your metabolism, nourish your body and strengthen your immunity.
Click through the gallery below and learn about the foods that will help you detox and lose weight fast!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Amazing health benefits you can get from pumpkin
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Artichokes: The antioxidants in artichokes called caffeoylquinic acids stimulate the production of bile in the liver–a compound that is crucial for the breakdown of fatty acids. Another flavonoid called silymarin promotes cell regeneration in the liver, and fights free radicals, along with helping the liver cope with its toxic load. Simply put, when your bile flow is smooth, your body will eliminate its toxins more efficiently while absorbing nutrients..
Beets: Beets are a powerhouse of antioxidants, minerals and fibers. A compound called betaine helps reduce inflammatory markers, shields the liver against damage, and promotes fat breakdown. Another plant compound that gives it its deep reddish purple color called betacyanin has a ton of health benefits. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and also supports the glutathione-dependent detoxification process. Furthermore, this compound repairs damaged cells along with the production of new liver cells.
Asparagus: Asparagus promotes a healthy liver by stimulating liver drainage, which is a process through which all the built up toxins get filtered out through our system. We consume a lot of processed foods and unhealthy drinks that hinder our liver's ability to efficiently eliminate the harmful compounds. Asparagus helps reverse this process. Along with that, it is also an anti-inflammatory food, it prevents premature aging, and shields against cancer. Research specifically shows that eating asparagus lowers the risk of breast cancer-related deaths.
Cilantro: Cilantro holds the power to detoxify our system of poisonous heavy metals. If you suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, compounds such as cineole and linoleic acid present in cilantro can help relieve those symptoms. Dodecenal, another substance present in cilantro, is very good at fighting infection. In addition, cilantro is also a natural healer.
Dandelion Greens
Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle: Milk thistle contains three potent flavonoids that together are called Silymarin. This compound protects our liver, and prevents the harmful free radicals from destroying our liver cells. It prevents the crossing of toxins into our liver cells, and it also accelerates the cellular regeneration process. Along with that, Silymarin is also shown to stabilize insulin levels, and lower cholesterol.
Garlic can help your body create enzymes that help clean your your liver. Even small amounts help detox and revive your body.
With its vitamin and antioxidant content, grapefuit and its juice are great detoxers for your liver and your body.
Green tea
Green tea has compounds that aid in liver function, which can help you flush out toxins and detox quicker.
This super food helps your body create the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which helps fight free radicals, create white blood cells that keep your liver and your body strong.
Add turmeric to your stews and sopas–it is magic at helping your body create enzymes and substances that help the liver help you detox and purify.